
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Smoke's Way

Poems from limited editions 1968-1981

Kiadó: Graywolf Press
Kiadás helye: Washington
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 112 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-915308-41-X
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






'"I-;; mekes .is i>y
cting oui ÍJ.
: " we
í-Kíked or Wf:
becoms overly fomiBaj- . He celebratei being, "?'.f sadness o^ passing. urKkr-f.wore» isumval and wholeness. "—MikxHttrkee Jounuil
" , a íBíidi-p-varded dder síatef.rs-^íin of Aü'-rkaB poet-iy, whoeie aecep'i '-'eSy ssmple araft aiid re-
main unequailed. since Robert Frost." '—Tr2e Ddrpn

mm~i5 v'KOM go^xiONs

SmcWs íVííi/ piíblisíúía for the first tnae m a irade edü-tton mariy 1LK} poexn-s 3c;-ecíecÁ ííokí .fourteeR liirafejd edition !?ook8. Many o.i the editions v-éi-« b^auöful, some were oljscüT-e, some very lim-. a.Rd sje p^qw oat of pitinit- One book was made usirsg sisríaáseíaTcd írom the poet's recycled bathrobe. The poe^» included in Smrtke's Way are arranged in duo«o!o,gicei se-by date oi oiigina? composition/ so we see the poet's v'ork devstop ovat a 30 year span, 1947-1977,
Stafford'.^ previo-as eight major co!Í'e<lloa>s of poetrj.'-have eams-J hlcn rich praise. He has received a Nationa! Book Award... Tovább


'"I-;; mekes .is i>y
cting oui ÍJ.
: " we
í-Kíked or Wf:
becoms overly fomiBaj- . He celebratei being, "?'.f sadness o^ passing. urKkr-f.wore» isumval and wholeness. "—MikxHttrkee Jounuil
" , a íBíidi-p-varded dder síatef.rs-^íin of Aü'-rkaB poet-iy, whoeie aecep'i '-'eSy ssmple araft aiid re-
main unequailed. since Robert Frost." '—Tr2e Ddrpn

mm~i5 v'KOM go^xiONs

SmcWs íVííi/ piíblisíúía for the first tnae m a irade edü-tton mariy 1LK} poexn-s 3c;-ecíecÁ ííokí .fourteeR liirafejd edition !?ook8. Many o.i the editions v-éi-« b^auöful, some were oljscüT-e, some very lim-. a.Rd sje p^qw oat of pitinit- One book was made usirsg sisríaáseíaTcd írom the poet's recycled bathrobe. The poe^» included in Smrtke's Way are arranged in duo«o!o,gicei se-by date oi oiigina? composition/ so we see the poet's v'ork devstop ovat a 30 year span, 1947-1977,
Stafford'.^ previo-as eight major co!Í'e<lloa>s of poetrj.'-have eams-J hlcn rich praise. He has received a Nationa! Book Award ior poetry, a Gugge.nheim Fellowship and a Shelley Memorial. Award. Ha 8er«.r?d ss Consultant in Poeiry to the iibmry of Congress in 1970-71.

William Stafford

William Stafford műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: William Stafford könyvek, művek
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