Whither Thou
is the amazing story of a modern
day Ruth and Boaz. How God used a
background of war, disaster, and family
separation to bring His two children to-
gether will touch your heart and increase
your faith.
American missionary Karl Faulkner
found himself stranded in Poland with
war breaking out and doors to sharing the
Gospel closing all around him. Such were
the circumstances which forced him out
of Poland into Hungary, and eventually
made'him return to the United States.
Had Karl misinterpreted the messages
he'd received directing him to witness to
the Jews of Eastern Europe? His answer
would come years later, when he was contacted by the Red Cross. A
family that had befriended Karl in Hungary now sought refuge from
the Communist regime and needed an American sponsor. They were
bringing friends with them, one of which was to become Karl's wife.
Terezia Toth left behind all the world she
had ever known — her relatives, church,
and ability...
Whither Thou
is the amazing story of a modern
day Ruth and Boaz. How God used a
background of war, disaster, and family
separation to bring His two children to-
gether will touch your heart and increase
your faith.
American missionary Karl Faulkner
found himself stranded in Poland with
war breaking out and doors to sharing the
Gospel closing all around him. Such were
the circumstances which forced him out
of Poland into Hungary, and eventually
made'him return to the United States.
Had Karl misinterpreted the messages
he'd received directing him to witness to
the Jews of Eastern Europe? His answer
would come years later, when he was contacted by the Red Cross. A
family that had befriended Karl in Hungary now sought refuge from
the Communist regime and needed an American sponsor. They were
bringing friends with them, one of which was to become Karl's wife.
Terezia Toth left behind all the world she
had ever known — her relatives, church,
and ability to earn a living, even her lan-
guage and social customs when she and
her companions arrived in the United
States. Thanks to the sponsorship of two
Baptist churches in Oregon, they were
well provided for. But everything was dif-
ferent and strange. Life would be so much
easier living among other refugees in
California. Why was God asking her to
stay behind and marry a man she did not
know, who didn't even speak her lan-
guage? Yet Terezia was willing to echo the
words of Ruth, "Whither thou goest, I will
go " committing to follow her husband wherever the Lord led. It was
a vow that would try her faith and take her to the brink of reason. The
end result was to become a marriage built on mutual devotion and
endearing love, yielding eternal fruit blossoming in the garden of