The Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy with Children is a survey of the
broad and emerging areas of behavioral approaches to treatment with t
children. Prepared in an organized manner consistent with DSM III, the
• demonstrates the applicability of learning-based approaches to
children's disorders
§ expands the scope of behavior therapy
• critically evaluates current assessment/treatment methods
The Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy with Children offers practition-
ers unique insights into innovative and practical approaches to dealing
with the treatment of problem children.
The development and investigation of psy-
chotherapy techniaues for children has
been burdened by difficulties in the delin-
eation of childhood problems and ambi-
guities regarding the need to intervene.
However, remarkable advances have re-
cently been made in the area of child be-
havior therapy.
The Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy
with Children is a...
The Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy with Children is a survey of the
broad and emerging areas of behavioral approaches to treatment with t
children. Prepared in an organized manner consistent with DSM III, the
• demonstrates the applicability of learning-based approaches to
children's disorders
§ expands the scope of behavior therapy
• critically evaluates current assessment/treatment methods
The Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy with Children offers practition-
ers unique insights into innovative and practical approaches to dealing
with the treatment of problem children.
The development and investigation of psy-
chotherapy techniaues for children has
been burdened by difficulties in the delin-
eation of childhood problems and ambi-
guities regarding the need to intervene.
However, remarkable advances have re-
cently been made in the area of child be-
havior therapy.
The Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy
with Children is a state-of-the-art review of
the theory, research and practice in child
behavior therapy. The top clinical re-
searchers in the field have masterfully in-
terwoven research with practice to foster a
full appreciation of child psychotherapy
and related treatment. The Handbook ad-
dresses such problems as anorexia and bu-
limia, attention deficit disorders, childhood
depression, child abuse and much more.
New developments in the psychiatric clas-
sification of childhood disorders have
greatly impacted clinical therapy with
children. The Handbook is a thoughtful
presentation that describes where consid-
erable progress has been made and out-
lines auestions that have yet to be an-