There is an appalling lack of knowledge of both the doctrines and the ambitions of the Roman system. Because of this, many believers have no insight into the significance of many current events, nor an answer to the doctrinal errors of Romanism.
In this volume, two studies are devoted to the goals and ambitions of Rome: "Is Rome a Church or a State?" and "What If The Vatican Controls die White House?" The purpose of these is to acquaint the reader with the political and ecclesiastical goals of Romanism. Five studies are devoted to a Scriptural consideration of doctrinal questions: "Is Mary the Mother of God?", "Is Mary Co-Redemptrix?", "Was Peter the First Pope?", "Is Salvation by Works or Faith?", and "Is There a Purgatory?". In each of these areas the teaching of Rome is contrasted with the authoritative teaching of Scripture. The purpose of these studies is to ground the reader in the teaching of the Word and to give a Scriptural answer to...
There is an appalling lack of knowledge of both the doctrines and the ambitions of the Roman system. Because of this, many believers have no insight into the significance of many current events, nor an answer to the doctrinal errors of Romanism.
In this volume, two studies are devoted to the goals and ambitions of Rome: "Is Rome a Church or a State?" and "What If The Vatican Controls die White House?" The purpose of these is to acquaint the reader with the political and ecclesiastical goals of Romanism. Five studies are devoted to a Scriptural consideration of doctrinal questions: "Is Mary the Mother of God?", "Is Mary Co-Redemptrix?", "Was Peter the First Pope?", "Is Salvation by Works or Faith?", and "Is There a Purgatory?". In each of these areas the teaching of Rome is contrasted with the authoritative teaching of Scripture. The purpose of these studies is to ground the reader in the teaching of the Word and to give a Scriptural answer to the false teaching of Romanism.
The book is not negative. It presents fallacies in Roman doctrine and practice. It is positive in approach in that it sets forth clear teaching from the Word of God in these major areas.
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