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Risky Business

The impacts of merging mission and market


Kiadó: Nonprofit Enterprise and Self-sustainability Team
Kiadás helye: Santiago
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 288 oldal
Sorozatcím: NESsT Learning Series
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 18 cm
ISBN: 1-930363-04-4
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér ábrákkal, illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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risky business:
The impacts of merging mission and market
risky business examines the impact — both financial and non-financial — of social enterprise (i.e., self-financing) activities on social change organizations. An important contribution to the growing debate on "social return on investment," risky business uses analyses of 45 social enterprise cases from 15 countries to examine impact in terms of financial performance, mission/values, organizational culture, relations with stakeholders, etc. risky business challenges many of the assumptions made about performance "measurement" and "metrics," pointing out the unique challenges of quantifying and qualifying the financial and social impacts of social enterprise.
"risky business is a welcome addition to the growing body of literature on social enterprise if you only read one book on this increasingly important subject, make it this one. "
Lisa Cannon review in Alliance Magazine (June 2004)
About NESsT
NESsT is an... Tovább


risky business:
The impacts of merging mission and market
risky business examines the impact — both financial and non-financial — of social enterprise (i.e., self-financing) activities on social change organizations. An important contribution to the growing debate on "social return on investment," risky business uses analyses of 45 social enterprise cases from 15 countries to examine impact in terms of financial performance, mission/values, organizational culture, relations with stakeholders, etc. risky business challenges many of the assumptions made about performance "measurement" and "metrics," pointing out the unique challenges of quantifying and qualifying the financial and social impacts of social enterprise.
"risky business is a welcome addition to the growing body of literature on social enterprise if you only read one book on this increasingly important subject, make it this one. "
Lisa Cannon review in Alliance Magazine (June 2004)
About NESsT
NESsT is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to developing innovative strategies for financing civil society. Since the start of its work in 1997, NESsT has been at the forefront of efforts to bring greater international attention to the fields of social enterprise and venture philanthropy, particularly in the emerging market countries of Central Europe and Latin America. From its offices in Budapest, Hungary and Santiago, Chile, NESsT works to foster social enterprise through a combination of applied research and publishing, training and consultations, and policy and outreach initiatives. Through the NESsT Venture Fund, NESsT also invests in a select "poitfolio" of proven and promising social entrepreneurs, enabling them to expand or start-up self-financing ventures which provide sustainable sources of income to further their mission-related activities. For more information about NESsT, visit our website: www.nesst.org
ISBN 1-930363-04-4 Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Risky Business Risky Business Risky Business Risky Business Risky Business Risky Business

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