Throughout Europe, people with intellectual disabilities face overwhelming stigma and prejudice and encounter significant barriers to realising their fundamental rights. EUMAP, the EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program of the Open Society Institute, in cooperation with the Open Society Mental Health Initiative, has monitored this situation in 14 countries throughout Europe, both EU members and candidate countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the UK. Carried out by local experts and civil society groups, the monitoring focuses on the extent to which people with intellectual disabilities have access to education and employment. This series of reports presents the findings of the monitoring and also makes recommendations for improving the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. The reports are also available at www.eumap.org.
Visa Eiropa cilvëkiem ar...
Throughout Europe, people with intellectual disabilities face overwhelming stigma and prejudice and encounter significant barriers to realising their fundamental rights. EUMAP, the EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program of the Open Society Institute, in cooperation with the Open Society Mental Health Initiative, has monitored this situation in 14 countries throughout Europe, both EU members and candidate countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the UK. Carried out by local experts and civil society groups, the monitoring focuses on the extent to which people with intellectual disabilities have access to education and employment. This series of reports presents the findings of the monitoring and also makes recommendations for improving the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. The reports are also available at www.eumap.org.
Visa Eiropa cilvëkiem ar intelektualas attistibas traucëjumiem nakas saskarties ar butiskam stigmam, aizspriedumiem un nopietnam barjerâm savu pamattiesîbu îstenosanâ. Atvërtas sabiedribas institüta (OSI) ES Monitoringa un interesu aizstavibas programma (EUMAP) sadarbiba ar Atvërtas sabiedribas institüta Garigas veselibas iniciativas programmu (MHI) ir veikusi sis situacijas monitoringu 14 valstis visa Eiropa — gan ES dalibvalstis, gan kandidatvalstis: Apvienotajâ Karalisté, Bulgarijâ, Cehijas Republikâ, Griekijâ, Horvâtijâ, Igaunijâ, Latvijâ, Lietuvâ, Nîderlande, Polija, Rumânijâ, Slovâkijâ, Slovënijâ un Ungârijâ. Vietëjo ekspertu un pilsoniskas sabiedribas grupu veiktaja monitoringa uzsvars tiek likts uz to, cik liela mëra cilvëkiem ar intelektualas attistibas traucëjumiem ir pieejama izglitiba un nodarbinatiba. Zinojumu sërija atspo-gulo monitoringa secinajumus, ka ari sniedz rekomendâcijas cilvëku ar intelektualas attistibas traucëjumiem socialas iekjausanas uzlabosanai. Zinojumi ir pieejami ari www.eumap.org.