First Certificate Gold is the way forward in successful exam preparation. Specially written for the revised First Certificate in English examination, it equips students with the skills and language ability to be able to tackle each task type with confidence.
The First Certificate Gold Coursebook offers a wealth of graded practice, advice and guidance, whilst reinforcing and extending students' knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. The accompanying Exam-Maximiser is a new concept in exam training and is packed with strategies and techniques designed to maximise students' potential and increase their chances of getting a good grade.
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for EXAM TRAINING
V regular Exam focus sections
V step-by-step guidance and graded tasks to develop exam skills
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for READING
V thought-provoking, motivating texts
V tasks to develop reading skills needed for Paper 1
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for...
First Certificate Gold is the way forward in successful exam preparation. Specially written for the revised First Certificate in English examination, it equips students with the skills and language ability to be able to tackle each task type with confidence.
The First Certificate Gold Coursebook offers a wealth of graded practice, advice and guidance, whilst reinforcing and extending students' knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. The accompanying Exam-Maximiser is a new concept in exam training and is packed with strategies and techniques designed to maximise students' potential and increase their chances of getting a good grade.
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for EXAM TRAINING
V regular Exam focus sections
V step-by-step guidance and graded tasks to develop exam skills
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for READING
V thought-provoking, motivating texts
V tasks to develop reading skills needed for Paper 1
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for WRITING
V analysis of sample answers plus guidance on planning and language use
V Writing reference with key language and expressions
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY
V consolidation and extension of major grammatical areas with a special focus on common errors
V coverage of all essential vocabulary including phrasal verbs and word formation
V alphabetically organised Grammar reference and Phrasal verbs reference with definitions and examples
V regular Review pages and Progress checks to revise language covered
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for LISTENING
V variety of extracts on stimulating, up-to-date topics
V songs by well-known artists
First Certificate Gold Coursebook for SPEAKING
V wide range of speaking activities including roleplays and problem solving tasks
V substantial practice in all Paper 5 speaking tasks
The First Certificate Gold course consists of:
• First Certificate Gold Coursebook • First Certificate Gold Teacher's Book
• First Certificate Gold Coursebook Cassettes (set of 2| • First Certificate Gold Practice Exams (with and without key|
• First Certificate Gold Exam Maximiser (with and without key| • First Certificate Gold Practice Exams Cassettes (set of 2)
• First Certificate Gold Exam Maximiser Cassettes (set of 2}