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Register-based Statistics

Administrative Data for statistical Purposes


Kiadó: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Chichester
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 247 oldal
Sorozatcím: Wiley Series in Survey Methodology
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-0470-02778-3
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér ábrákkal illusztrálva.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Register-based Statistics
Administrative Data for Statistical Purposes
Anders Wallgren and Britt Wallgren - Statistics Sweden
There is a growing interest in developing register-based surveys; that is surveys based
upon already available administrative data. Since huge amounts of such data are
generated within various administrative systems, the opportunity exists to use the data
for statistical analysis without any of the costs involved in data collection.
Register-based surveys require their own methodology and the development of these
methods is an important challenge to statistical science. Instead of methods on how to
collect data, methods for integrating data from different sources are necessary. How
should administrative data be transformed to meet the statistical needs?
Register-based Statistics offers readers a detailed account of the principles and practices of
this increasingly popular area of statistics.
Provides a comprehensive overview of register-based... Tovább


Register-based Statistics
Administrative Data for Statistical Purposes
Anders Wallgren and Britt Wallgren - Statistics Sweden
There is a growing interest in developing register-based surveys; that is surveys based
upon already available administrative data. Since huge amounts of such data are
generated within various administrative systems, the opportunity exists to use the data
for statistical analysis without any of the costs involved in data collection.
Register-based surveys require their own methodology and the development of these
methods is an important challenge to statistical science. Instead of methods on how to
collect data, methods for integrating data from different sources are necessary. How
should administrative data be transformed to meet the statistical needs?
Register-based Statistics offers readers a detailed account of the principles and practices of
this increasingly popular area of statistics.
Provides a comprehensive overview of register-based statistics, both in terms of
theory and advanced application.
Uses real life examples taken from Statistics Sweden to illustrate fundamental global
Proposes a much-needed systematic terminology for the field.
Describes how to create statistical registers and a methodology for integration of
data from many sources as a key tool for the future.
Develops estimation methods and quality concepts for register-based surveys.
Discusses statistical systems consisting of many statistical registers and surveys,
highlighting the importance of consistency and coherence.
Register-based Statistics provides a unique guide for all those working in statistical
agencies. It will also prove invaluable for academic researchers and teachers in statistics,
and statisticians working with administrative systems in government institutions and
enterprises. Vissza


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