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Red Sky in the Morning

How You Can Help Prevent America's Gathering Storms

Kapcsolódó személy
Kiadó: NewLife Publications
Kiadás helye: Orlando
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 335 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 1-56399-095-4
Megjegyzés: A könyvben a szerző nyomtatott aláírása szerepel.
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Today followers oi
. chaUengedbytoqiiesti^v.^.x.
causes each of us to put cfurpwii^x perspective. Red Sky in th fMornings every Otristian to answer the question would Jesus do about the mor^^ decline in America today?"
This book takes you on an exciting a'Sve^ff^ showing what made America a greS^cWBoiB^.^ what forces are tearing it apart, and What we must do to recapture God's purpose for America.
It's a book of reflection, of warning, of vision and of hope. Red Sky in the Morning compels us to embrace the words of James Sewart, a New Testament scholar from Edinburgh, Scotland, who said, "If we could but show the world that being committed to Christ is no tame, humdrum, sheltered monotony, but the most exciting adventure the human spirit could ever know, those who have been standing outside the church looking with suspicion at Christ, will come crowding in to pay allegiance and we might well experience the greatest reviving since Pentecost!"
The church in America has... Tovább


Today followers oi
. chaUengedbytoqiiesti^v.^.x.
causes each of us to put cfurpwii^x perspective. Red Sky in th fMornings every Otristian to answer the question would Jesus do about the mor^^ decline in America today?"
This book takes you on an exciting a'Sve^ff^ showing what made America a greS^cWBoiB^.^ what forces are tearing it apart, and What we must do to recapture God's purpose for America.
It's a book of reflection, of warning, of vision and of hope. Red Sky in the Morning compels us to embrace the words of James Sewart, a New Testament scholar from Edinburgh, Scotland, who said, "If we could but show the world that being committed to Christ is no tame, humdrum, sheltered monotony, but the most exciting adventure the human spirit could ever know, those who have been standing outside the church looking with suspicion at Christ, will come crowding in to pay allegiance and we might well experience the greatest reviving since Pentecost!"
The church in America has watched our nation turn away from the purpose for which God called her. Today America stands at a crossroads. We must awaken from our slumber and speak the truth in love to a nation:,; that is unraveling at the seams. Red Sky in the Morning, like no other book, links together^ our heritage, our mission, and a plan ior revival that begins with you. Today there is great cause for hope; but it is a conditional hope. God will only move when His people take Him at His word and step out in faith. Red Sky in the Monnng propels us in that direction.

ToJai ite Eliurcft
Stands It 1 Erossroads
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I P U B L I C i TTjiT^-'"^^^^
"Bless O Lord the whole race of mankind, and let the world be filled with the knowledge of Thee and Thy
• Son, Jesus Christ."
From his personal prayer book -
entitled "Daily Sacrifice," 1752
¦ \ .J*
"This is a brilliant work. You are in for a rich expenence/'
Wt' cKairman, Prison Fellowship Ministries
'%^.one of the books for our time. Red Sky in the Morning is a message from the very heart of God. If you care about the future of our coun^, read this book!"
Founder and,CEO, Promise Keepers
"If you reai dSf^ oB^ book during the year, this is the one!"
The Heritage Foundation; Former U.S. Attorney General
'I encourage all Christians concerned about our nation to read this important book."
Chief Counsel, American Center for Law and Justice
'Red Sky in the Morning is an invaluable book that shows how we, the people, can redeem and reclaim the United States of America. Every American must read this book."
Christian Film and Television Commission
"An important book for all to read!'
UU I Ulllil Ullltlll Ul 1 UlUi
Chairman, Concerned Women for America
'Red Sky in the Morning will turn you into a genuine crusader for Christ—and for America."
^ - •^^niocMinister, Choral Ridge Presbyterian Church
'If Americans humbly put God first in their lives, we could experience an awakening that parallels that of the first century."
Chairman, The George H. Gallup International Institute
9781563990953 Vissza


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Red Sky in the Morning Red Sky in the Morning
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