Bogey anatomy IS adapted io wetness and co/d 7b surv/t^e in the dryness and^armth oP The SurFsce, Bogeymen occasionally need special Cl O TH/NQ and EQUiPMEiV T
MO/^/Scope: An instrument iorinoliC9ling the amount . oPdust in the almosphere. Bogeymen are gllergi'c to dust, pollen and all other menifeststions of dryness
iAMBKLQUiN or HA\/FLocK: a ligi)t covering worn over -., Hie heedand neck as a proiechon açç,9wst moonsiroke
PKOSoMETEe: Aninstrument fbr measuring the quentity oPdewP^iiingon a uody during é^enight
/ceeuwneS! lesd-pendis
livipeKMEAroK.- a contrivance For lu ?riating the interior surfaces »Pa Bogeyman's i:rausers ?iyihepumping in ofollyslfine
DASyMErei?: on instrument Formeasuring the density of gases (or smells)
?Ahisovs : A kiited skirt of rusty metai pietés, now very old- fashioned and Worn only by eideriy Bogeymen Us purpose/s to d/'rect \rsiuabie ei/aporat,ons which may haye escaped tJiegennets (qM)t)Bci<iotiie Bogeyman's...
Bogey anatomy IS adapted io wetness and co/d 7b surv/t^e in the dryness and^armth oP The SurFsce, Bogeymen occasionally need special Cl O TH/NQ and EQUiPMEiV T
MO/^/Scope: An instrument iorinoliC9ling the amount . oPdust in the almosphere. Bogeymen are gllergi'c to dust, pollen and all other menifeststions of dryness
iAMBKLQUiN or HA\/FLocK: a ligi)t covering worn over -., Hie heedand neck as a proiechon açç,9wst moonsiroke
PKOSoMETEe: Aninstrument fbr measuring the quentity oPdewP^iiingon a uody during é^enight
/ceeuwneS! lesd-pendis
livipeKMEAroK.- a contrivance For lu ?riating the interior surfaces »Pa Bogeyman's i:rausers ?iyihepumping in ofollyslfine
DASyMErei?: on instrument Formeasuring the density of gases (or smells)
?Ahisovs : A kiited skirt of rusty metai pietés, now very old- fashioned and Worn only by eideriy Bogeymen Us purpose/s to d/'rect \rsiuabie ei/aporat,ons which may haye escaped tJiegennets (qM)t)Bci<iotiie Bogeyman's i/italparts
.i=OGLe: handkerchief! Bogeymen retain iheBng/ish I?th century term for i/?ese - /viuckE^peP
(3ENICUL ATLS: Be gey icnee-tiags, pop uiariy known ss
main purpose is to seal off ?he boot tops and ¦ preirent ?he evaporation of precious Piuids and
smeiis. liiey also heip to prevent dOi^A&PA (^out ; in the knee). GeMiPAPis the nameg/veniotnemuck j found in tiie qennets after a night's work, ii/igs an orsn^ecoiour and a vinousiaste
STEi^coeACEOus:pertaining to,Orcomposed of Jung \ !ifihantle: 3 good deal
It sometimes happens that a Bogeyman P/nds himself urabie to reedi a Bogeyho/e befbre dgyiigii/. if/?e cannot find a coo i, ?yank hiding piace, ?le wiH injry bimse if in 3 shady spot, in this manner he will enade tdie heat of the san andpreseryehis viigi wetness. He wiHitten steep tit! daricness falls ogam.
!i is during this time that bis piro/ecting nairluPt and eerg are sometimes m/s/:af:en flora p/ant. This 'pÍ9nt" was said by bheanc/ents to haye. re.sembiing ?be human form arrd ?o sbnoA: wben pulled up; gndit is this tbatiies behind the legend of ?he Mandrggpro or A/l/\rvDRAKE-
? a root