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A University Grammar of English

Kiadó: Longman Group Limited
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 484 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-582-55207-9
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


A University Grammar of English is a shorter version of A Grammar of Contemporary English on which the authors worked in collaboration wi^/i Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik.
The structure of the parent book has been preserved so that reference can easily be made to it, though in many respects the authors have incorporated revisions, improvements, and expansions. Above all, the present treatment has been adapted to the needs of students who require maximum comprehensiveness with maximum economy of presentation. The book is concerned chiefly with the "common core' of English, but Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum are careful at all relevant points to indicate constructions which distinguish spoken from written, formal from informal, or British from American usage.
"In terms of value for money it is hard to think of any other recent books on language or linguistics to beat A University Grammar of English I kept coming across facts which I d never been aware of before but which... Tovább


A University Grammar of English is a shorter version of A Grammar of Contemporary English on which the authors worked in collaboration wi^/i Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik.
The structure of the parent book has been preserved so that reference can easily be made to it, though in many respects the authors have incorporated revisions, improvements, and expansions. Above all, the present treatment has been adapted to the needs of students who require maximum comprehensiveness with maximum economy of presentation. The book is concerned chiefly with the "common core' of English, but Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum are careful at all relevant points to indicate constructions which distinguish spoken from written, formal from informal, or British from American usage.
"In terms of value for money it is hard to think of any other recent books on language or linguistics to beat A University Grammar of English I kept coming across facts which I d never been aware of before but which seemed to me to raise interesting problems for generative linguistics." (Lingua)
"A contemporary description of English which is unsurpassed in the range of language it covers." (Times Higher Education Supplement) Vissza


Symbols and technical conventions One
Varieties of English
Standard English 3; Varieties according to subject, medium, and attitude 6
Elements of grammar
Sentence elements 12; Parts of speech 18; Stative and dynamic 20; Pro-forms, question, and negation 22
Verbs and the verb phrase
Regular verbs and inflectional rules 28; Irregular verbs 30;
Auxiliaries 35; Tense and aspect 40; Mood 51
Nouns, pronouns, and the basic noun phrase Noun classes 59; Determiners 61; Reference and the articles 67; Number 80; Gender 89; The genitive 93; Pronouns 100
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives, attributive and predicative 115; Adverbs as modifiers 126; Comparison and intensification 130; Correspondence between adjective and adverb 136; Adjective, adverb, and other word-classes 137
Propositions and prapositlonal phrases 143
Place relations 146; Time relations 154; Other relations chiefly as adjunct 157, as disjunct 162, as complementation of verb or adjective 163
Ths simpls sentence 1 gg
Clause patterns 166; Elements and their meanings 171; Concord 176; Negation 183; Questions 191; Commands 200
Adjuncts, disjuncts, conjuncts 207
Limiter and additive adjuncts 211; Intensifier s 214; Adjuncts of manner, means, and instrument 220, of place 224, of time 229; Style and attitudinal disjuncts 242; Conjuncts 246
Coordination and apposition 251
Ellipsis 251; Coordination of clauses 254; Coordination of phrases 267; Apposition 276; Non-restrictive apposition 278; Restrictive apposition 282
Sentence connection 284
Time relaters 285; Logical connecters 287; Substitution 294; Discourse reference 302; Ellipsis in dialogue 305
The complex sentence 309
Finite, non-finite, and verbless clauses 310; Subordinators and subordination 313; Nominal clauses 316; Adverbial clauses 322; Comparative sentences 330; The verb phrase in dependent clauses 337; Direct and indirect speech 341
The verb and its complementation 347
Phrasal and prepositional verbs 347; Complementation of adjective phrase 354; Units as direct object 358; Complex transitive complementation 363; Ditransitive complementation 370
The complex noun phrase
Restrictive relative clauses 380; Non-restrictive relative clauses 383; Non-finite postmodifiers 384; Prepositional phrase postmodification 387; Premodification by adjective 395, by participle 396, by genitive 399, by noun 399; Multiple premodification 400
Focus, theme, and emphasis 406
Information focus 406; Voice and reversibility 410; Theme and inversion 411; Existential sentences 418; Extraposition and other postponement devices 422; Emotive emphasis 427
Appendix I
Prefixes 431; Suffixes 435; Conversion 441; Compounding 444
Appendix il
Stress, rhythm, and intonation
Appendix III Punctuation
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