for adults onlv'.
DeimiUu nur Uir Erwachsene!
A stunning and sexy collection by 30 photographers Irom around the World
Often referred to poetically as the "delta of venus", this mysterious, triangular-shaped area, nestling by the female crotch is what doubtless attracts virtually every man (and also many women) more than any other! What is it about the look of a woman's tush (or pussy, as it is also affectionately called) that is so fascinating? In our topless age, why is this most feminine of all forbidden zones still strictly shielded from prying eyes? Who knows, who can say? However, it is common knowledge that nothing inspires erotic imagination more than this yummy triangle, which attracts voyeuristic looks as magically as the Bermuda Triangle attracts ships and aeroplanes.
Poetisch oft als „Delta der Venus" verklärt, ist jenes geheimnisvolle Dreieck im Schöße der Frau wolil derjenige Körperteil, der fast alle Männer (und auch viele Frauen!) anzieht wie kein anderer. Was...
for adults onlv'.
DeimiUu nur Uir Erwachsene!
A stunning and sexy collection by 30 photographers Irom around the World
Often referred to poetically as the "delta of venus", this mysterious, triangular-shaped area, nestling by the female crotch is what doubtless attracts virtually every man (and also many women) more than any other! What is it about the look of a woman's tush (or pussy, as it is also affectionately called) that is so fascinating? In our topless age, why is this most feminine of all forbidden zones still strictly shielded from prying eyes? Who knows, who can say? However, it is common knowledge that nothing inspires erotic imagination more than this yummy triangle, which attracts voyeuristic looks as magically as the Bermuda Triangle attracts ships and aeroplanes.
Poetisch oft als „Delta der Venus" verklärt, ist jenes geheimnisvolle Dreieck im Schöße der Frau wolil derjenige Körperteil, der fast alle Männer (und auch viele Frauen!) anzieht wie kein anderer. Was macht den Anblick dieser Pussies und Muschis und wie wir sie sonst noch liebevoll nennen, so faszinierend? 1st es das auch im Zeitalter des „oben Ohne" immer noch vor Blicken streng gehütete weiblichste aller Geheimnisse? Wer weiß es schon! Nichts dient aber der Beflügelung der erotischen Fantasie mehr als dieses magische Dreieck, das voyeuristische Blicke so magisch anzieht wie das Bermuda-Dreieck Schiffe und Flugzeuge. Martin Sigrist
Didier Carré, Ludmila Foblova, EmanuelD. Fouquet, Ulrich Grolla, J. Stephen Hicks, DirkKrauzig, Chas Ray Krider, Karl Louis, Bryon Paul McCartney, Jean Najean, George Pitts, KatiRudlova, JiriRuzek, JimFredlund, Frank Sabino, Renee Azcra Woodward, Ragnor Gischas, Robert Baham, Carnish, Felix Kirsch, Günter Hagedorn, Stephan B., Dimitar Petrov, Mark Page, Jeremy Saffer, Veselin Valchev, Jürgen Wunderlich, Sabine Modotti, Igor Amelkovich, Rallumer