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Profits for Wonprofits
i)rie of the biggest obstacles tht^nonprofit sector worldwide faces isWklyig
stable, ongoing seutxes of financing. The focus on project-based grants alone
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puts the amotion ow isolated activities of nongovernmental orgary|a (NGOjjjÉSither than on building the long-ternusustainability of orj arftfr, m turn, the sustainability of the important benefits these organizations bring to society through their wjSgJ;.
NESsT launched the Sxistainable NGO Financing Project (SNFP) in 1997. to hglp NGOs diversify theirJinancing sources to include a variety of market-based "self-financing^strategies, including product sales, fees for services, use of "hard" and "soft" assets, investment dividends", and other ancillary business activities. Profits for Nonprofits is the result of a yeaftoyg effort by NESsT and its partners in the CzechjRepublic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia to document and...
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Profits for Wonprofits
i)rie of the biggest obstacles tht^nonprofit sector worldwide faces isWklyig
stable, ongoing seutxes of financing. The focus on project-based grants alone
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puts the amotion ow isolated activities of nongovernmental orgary|a (NGOjjjÉSither than on building the long-ternusustainability of orj arftfr, m turn, the sustainability of the important benefits these organizations bring to society through their wjSgJ;.
NESsT launched the Sxistainable NGO Financing Project (SNFP) in 1997. to hglp NGOs diversify theirJinancing sources to include a variety of market-based "self-financing^strategies, including product sales, fees for services, use of "hard" and "soft" assets, investment dividends", and other ancillary business activities. Profits for Nonprofits is the result of a yeaftoyg effort by NESsT and its partners in the CzechjRepublic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia to document and learn from existing experience with these strategics.
The lesions shared in Profits for Nonprofits illustrate the challenges' of merging mission and market, the capacity and financing needs of NGOs in the process of developing their enterprise activities, and the opportunities that exist both to generat^,new sources of income and to further nonprofits' missions when sçlf-financing strategies are used effectively arid responsibly. ' . /' - ^ ¦ V-
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About NESsT
NESsT is an international, nonprofit^ nongoverfflnental organization with offices in Budapest (I Iuugayy) and Santiago (Chile). NESsT's mission is to help strengthen" the financial sustain ability of NGOs through the use of self-financing. Through it§ research, capacity-building and policy initiatives^ NESsT evaluates A
the feasibility and effectiveness of self-fmaritfrtg; builds the capacity of nonprofit leaders and organizations to i&plemeifct self-financing; Jftfifilcreases awareness
and support for se$4jnancijij» among NGOs, ddnorsiand policymakers. fsiESsT^ % brings seven years of experience with NGOs in Central Europe to its role as fj J coordinator of the SNFP and of a similar initiative*»*! Latin America.
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