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Present-Day English Syntax

A Survey of Sentence Patterns

Kiadó: Longmans
Kiadás helye: London
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Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 434 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-582-52175-0
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PREFACE This book is designed to provide students with linguistic evidence for analyses and discussions of English sentence structure. It is not a treatise on the nature and mechanism of the... Tovább


PREFACE This book is designed to provide students with linguistic evidence for analyses and discussions of English sentence structure. It is not a treatise on the nature and mechanism of the English language on the basis of linguistic science, but essentially a survey of the sentence patterns of present-day English: the constructions or collocations which may be freely imitated and serve as models for new formations, as distinct from idiom or idiomatic expressions or the stereotyped locutions that cannot be imitated and have to be learnt one by one as the vocabulary of the language has to be learnt. Recent text-books on the study of English have given much importance to these patterns; but the valuable surveys of them that have so far been made are mostly restricted to the more usual constructions, especially to those of spoken English. It may therefore be useful to add a survey that is more detailed and more complete because it examines the patterns found in written English which students are unlikely to discover without intensive reading and observation. It will, it is hoped, enable them to write a language more sinewy and fluent than the one they have been taught in the first stage of their English studies. The material is the result of a scrutiny of about fifteen publications which are listed in the first part of the Bibliography and referred to throughout by a single capital. They have all been published since 1945. Included in them is The Times from October 1954 to October 1957. When these basic works have not provided enough examples of a pattern under discussion they have been supplemented by readings from the other contemporary books listed in the second part ofthe Bibliography and referred to by the first three or four letters ofthe author's name. From these only a few quotations have been taken. And I have very occasion- Vissza


§ i The Subject, Inversion and Concord 3
The Subject 3
Inversion 4
Concord 10
§11 The Objects 11
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 11
The Direct Object 12
Verbs + Two Objects 15
The Prepositional Object 18
§ in The Nominal Part of the Predicate 19
§ ív The Predicative Adjuncts 22
The Predicative Adjunct to the Subject 23
The Free Adjunct 24
The Absolute Free Adjuncts 26
The Predicative Adjunct to the Object 27
§ v The Adverbial Adjunct 32
The Adjunct is a Noun 32
The Adjunct is a Prepositional Adjunct 33
The Adjunct is an Adverb 35
§ vi Adjuncts to Nouns 4i
The Apposition 4i
Complementary Adjuncts 42
The Adjunct with As 44
Adjuncts Following the Noun 44
Adjuncts Preceding the Noun 47
Repetition of Nouns after Adjectives 52
§ vii Adjective Groups 54
ii additional notes on nouns and adjectives 57
§1 The Number of the Noun 57
§11 The Genitive 68
The Genitive as a Noun 68
The Genitive in a Predicative Function 72
The Genitive as an Attributive Adjunct 72
No Headword after the Genitive 77
§ iii The Adjective 78
The Adjective as a Noun 78
The Comparative 8o
The Superlative 88
iii the articles 93
Sí The Definite Article 93
The Definite Article with Uncountables in the
Singular 93
The Definite Article with Countables in the
Singular 95
The Article with Nouns in the Plural 98
The Article with Collective Nouns 98
The Article and Proper Names 99
The Article in Syntactic Groups and Set Phrases 102
§11 The Indefinite Article 102
iv the pronouns ioó
§ i Personal, Possessive and Compound Personal Pronouns 106
Gender 106
You, We and They as Indefinite Pronouns no
The Personal Pronouns in
Identifying Sentences 114
The Pronoun It 116
The Possessive Pronouns 118
The Compound Personal Pronouns 122
§ 11 The Pronouns one, other, and the Reciprocal
Pronouns 125
The Pronoun One 125
Other and Others 127
One Another and Each Other 129
§ iii The Demonstratíve Pronouns 129
The Pronouns This and These, That and Those 129
That and Those as Determinative Pronouns 133
The Same 134
The Pronoun and the Adverb So 135
The Pronoun, the Adjective and the Adverb
Such 139
§ ív all, any and somé, both, each and every,
either and neither, nőne 141
Compound Indefinite Pronouns 146
The Meaning of Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives 148
§v few and many, little and much, several and
sundry 152
v sentence patterns with participles 154
The Present Participle 154
The Past Participle 155
The Functions of the Participle 158
vi sentence patterns with gerunds 175
§ 1 The Gerund as an Abstract Verbal Noun 175
§ 11 The Gerund with Nominal Adjuncts 179
§ iii The Gerund with Verbal Adjuncts 182
§ ív The Gerund with Verbal Adjuncts and a Subject of its
own 191
§ v The Gerund with Verbal and Nominal Adjuncts 199
vii sentence patterns with infinitives 202
§ i The Infinitive with to without its own Subject 202
§ 11 Constructions with Object and Infinitive with to 224
§ ih The Infinitive with to preceded by its Subject with the
Preposition for 231
§ ív The Infinitive without to 238
viii sentence patterns with subordinate clauses 243
§ i Clauses introduced by that 243
Unconnected Clauses 252
§ n Clauses introduced by as 254
§ ni Clauses introduced by but 256
§ ív Clauses introduced by lest 257
§ v Clauses introduced by other Conjunctions than that,
as, but, lest 258
ix sentence patterns with relatíve pronouns
without antecedent 2ó0
§ 1 Who9 What, Which, Where, When 260
§ 11 The Pronouns in -ever 264
x sentence patterns with relatíve pronouns 27o
§ i Defining and Non-defining Relatíve Clauses 270
The Pronouns Who, Whom and Whose 271
The Pronoun Which 274
The Pronoun That 279
The Relatíve Adverbs 282
Archaic Relatives 283
Unconnected Relatíve Clauses 283
The Relatíve Pronouns in Complex Constructions 286
§ 11 Sentences with Introductory it and a Relatíve Clause 291
xi interrogative and exclamative sentences 295
§ i Verbal Questions 295
§ 11 Pronominal Questions 299
The Pronouns Who, Whom and Whose 301
The Pronoun What 303
The Pronoun Which 305
The Interrogative Adverbs 306
Additional Notes on the Interrogative Pronouns
and Adverbs 307
Interrogative Pronouns with Infinitive 309
§111 Exclamative Sentences 310
xii co-ordination 312
§ I The Tenses of the Verb 3X^
Progressive Verbal Forms 3!$
The Present Tense 3X9
The Progressive Infinitive 322
The Past Tense 323
a 0 0
Going To 324
The Present Perfect 324
The Pluperfect 327
Modal Past Tense and Pluperfect 328
The Future Tenses 333
Should and Would denoting Futurity in the Past 336
Conditional Should and Would 337
§ 11 The Passive 34°
§ ín The Imperative 343
§ ív The Subjunctive 344
xiv the verbs to do, to be, to have and the
anomalous verbs 34^
§ i The Auxiliary to do 346
§ 11 The Verb to be to 351
§ iii The Verb to have 354
§ ív The Verbs dare and need 357
To Dare 357
To Need 358
§ v The Verbs ought to and used to 360
Ought to 360
Used to 361
§ vi The Verbs can and could 362
§ vii The Verbs may and might 364
May and Might in Sub-clauses 368
§ vm The Verb must 370
§ ix The Verbs shall and should 372
Shall and Should in Sub-clauses 375
§ x The Verbs will and would 382
§ i According to Function 424
§ 11 According to Form 426

G. Scheurweghs

G. Scheurweghs műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: G. Scheurweghs könyvek, művek
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Present-Day English Syntax Present-Day English Syntax Present-Day English Syntax Present-Day English Syntax

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