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Prenatal Yoga

For conception, pregnancy and birth

Kiadó: Lorenz Books
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 96 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 31 cm x 24 cm
ISBN: 0-7548-1064-x
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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Prenatal Yoga
for conception, pregnancy and birth
• Specially developed yoga poses for all stages of conception and pregnancy-to tone, align, strengthen and relax your body
• Breathing exercises and relaxations help you nurture yourself and your growing baby
• How to use yoga to prepare for childbirth and during labour itself
• Suitable for both complete beginners and experienced yogis
• Question-and-answer panels address all kinds of common queries
"This book is going to help so many people, especially those who find it difficult to conceive or to enjoy a comfortable and joyful nine months."
Swami Satchltananda Ma, British Wheel of Yoga
"A wealth of valuable information. I can't wait to share this book with all the women around me who are preparing for birth."
Barbara Harper, RN, Director Waterbirth International, USA
Prenatal Yoga
for conception, pregnancy and birth
Yoga is the perfect exercise for pregnant women. It is a gentle, safe means of keeping the body toned... Tovább


Prenatal Yoga
for conception, pregnancy and birth
• Specially developed yoga poses for all stages of conception and pregnancy-to tone, align, strengthen and relax your body
• Breathing exercises and relaxations help you nurture yourself and your growing baby
• How to use yoga to prepare for childbirth and during labour itself
• Suitable for both complete beginners and experienced yogis
• Question-and-answer panels address all kinds of common queries
"This book is going to help so many people, especially those who find it difficult to conceive or to enjoy a comfortable and joyful nine months."
Swami Satchltananda Ma, British Wheel of Yoga
"A wealth of valuable information. I can't wait to share this book with all the women around me who are preparing for birth."
Barbara Harper, RN, Director Waterbirth International, USA
Prenatal Yoga
for conception, pregnancy and birth
Yoga is the perfect exercise for pregnant women. It is a gentle, safe means of keeping the body toned and supple without strain, of keeping aches and pains at bay and energy flowing, of relaxing the body and mind, and of preparing for the physical demands of childbirth — and motherhood itself.
When you are pregnant you may feel that your body has a mind of its own. Yoga helps you to listen to the rhythm of your body and respect what it is telling you. Likewise, when trying to conceive you can learn to quieten your mind, tune in to your body and move energy from the head to the pelvis.
Prenatal Yoga guides you through yoga exercises for conception, all three stages of pregnancy, and the birth Itself. Classical yoga postures are adapted to meet the very special demands placed on your body at this time and breathing, movement and relaxation are combined for the ultimate holistic programme. Breathing exercises and relaxations help you to prepare mentally and emotionally for motherhood and to bond with your baby inside the womb.
You need have no experience of yoga to use this book. But if you have enjoyed yoga before, the adapted poses will help you to tailor a specialyoga programme for yourself.
Françoise Barbira Freedman has worked with hundreds of women over the years, helping them to conceive and then to enjoy a happy pregnancy and birth. Doriel Hall and Françoise have together translated this skill into exercises and relaxations that can be followed safely at home.
Prenatal Yoga
for conception, pregnancy and birth
Doriel Hall was initiated in India and is known as Swami Dayamurti Saraswati in yogic circles. A highly experienced yoga practitioner, she trained in the Satyananda tradition (now the Bihar School of Yoga). Doriel has for 20 years been a teacher for the British Wheel of Yoga, widely recognized as Great Britain's governing body for yoga. As well as running workshops and courses, Doriel speaks regularly at international conferences on different aspects of yoga practice and philosophy. She is the author of three books on yoga and meditation, including Healing with Yoga, and has collaborated on several books with Françoise Barbira Freedman.
Françoise Barbira Freedman is a mother of four and considers this to be her finest accomplishment, despite a distinguished career. She is also a yoga teacher, a medical anthropologist at the University of Cambridge and founder of the charitable trust, Birthlight. In addition, Dr Freedman lectures in midwifery and women's health within the National Health Service. Through her books, videos and television appearances, Françoise's pioneering work on pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond is recognized around the world. Dr Freedman also teaches and promotes aqua yoga for pregnant women and young children.
Related titles from Lorenz Books include Postnatal Yoga (Freedman, Hall), Aqua Yoga and Water Babies (Freedman). Vissza


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