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Pope John Paul II

The Biography

Róla szól

Kiadó: Scribner
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Félvászon
Oldalszám: 542 oldal
Sorozatcím: Lisa Drew Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-684-80416-6
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I,. Roman Catholic
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and in the seventeenth year ofhispapacyJohnPauinremamsam^
tery, theologically, politically, and personally. A man of impressive intellectual-and literary-achievements, Karol Wojtyia of Krakow presents a daunting contradiction bet\veen his inexorable conservative stand on contraception, divorce, and an all-male, celibate priesthood, and his powerful advocacy of human rights everywhere and social justice in the Third World and among the poor of the affluent West.
In this definitive and intimate biography of John Paul II—based on unprecedented access to the Pope himself his friends, colleagues, and collaborators, and to secret documents from many sources—veteran New York Times correspondent and award-winning author Tad Szulc ofFers a new and insightful portrait of the life of the... Tovább


I,. Roman Catholic
ClHirch toward cnupiphalsu^ ^^^^
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ones deepest crises araniatic crossroads?
These are die quesaoas fac i , ^^^ ^„„„fi.
and in the seventeenth year ofhispapacyJohnPauinremamsam^
tery, theologically, politically, and personally. A man of impressive intellectual-and literary-achievements, Karol Wojtyia of Krakow presents a daunting contradiction bet\veen his inexorable conservative stand on contraception, divorce, and an all-male, celibate priesthood, and his powerful advocacy of human rights everywhere and social justice in the Third World and among the poor of the affluent West.
In this definitive and intimate biography of John Paul II—based on unprecedented access to the Pope himself his friends, colleagues, and collaborators, and to secret documents from many sources—veteran New York Times correspondent and award-winning author Tad Szulc ofFers a new and insightful portrait of the life of the two hundred sixty-fourth pontiff, from his birth to the present, his mysticism and his pragmatism.
Szulc discloses here for the first time significant new material, including:
• The inside story of the personal negotiations ovtu^ ^-b-hev of the
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Holy See andlrr^^^^
(CO mi lined from front flap)
• The never-before-told story of how the Polish communist regime helped to "make" Wojtyla an archbishop, the key step on his road to the papacy.
. Reports by the Polish Secret Police assessing Bishop Wojtyla.
• The revelation of the role of Cardinal Wojtyla as the principal drafter of Pope Paul Vl's encyclical HiiiiuimK I'itae on contraception.
• The detailed, hour-by-hour, inside story of Karol Wojtyla's election as pope.
• Secret documents of the Soviet Communist Party's Politburo on plans for a campaign to neutralize the Polish pope.
• The strange role of the CIA at the time of the assassination attempt against John Paul 11.
Drawing on primary sources and scores of interviews at the Vatican and in Poland, the United States, and Haifa dozen other countries, Szulc's study of the life of John Paul 11, emphasizing his Polishness as a defining dimension of his political personality, is vital reading not only for Roman Catholics, but for anyone interested in one of the most important figures of our time.
Tad Szulc is a former foreign and Washington correspondent of The New York Times who has covered major news stories on four continents and is the author of eighteen books, including the landmark Fidel, a biography of Castro; Then and Now: How the World Has Changed Since World War II; and Vie Illusion of Peace, all of which have won Overseas Press Club Awards for the Best Book on Foreign Affairs. He is Knight of the French Order of the Legion of Honor and recipient of Columbia University's Mana Moors Cabot Gold Medal. He lives m Washington, D.C.
Jacket design by John Fontana Cover photograph by Grzegorz Galjzka/ "Inside Vatican Back cover photograph by Arturo Man
A Lisa Drew Book
Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright © 1995 Simon & Schuster Inc.
Distributed by Simon & Schuster Inc.

Tad Szulc

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