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The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat

Kiadó: The Reader's Digest Associaton
Kiadás helye: Pleasantville
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 573 oldal
Sorozatcím: Reader's Digest Condensed Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 19 cm x 14 cm
Megjegyzés: Négy mű egy kötetben. Színes illusztrációkkal.
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ANNO UNCING: IIIGIISIAIÍES AN1) DliSl'li RA11Í MEN A selecffon of the best stories, true and fictional, about the dangerous shadow world of the spy Napoleon likec to say thai one spy in the right place was wcrth twenty men in the fíeld, and in fact the fates of armies and empires have been :;wayed by the cool daring of such men. in this richly illustrated volume the editors of Reader's Digest Condensed Books have collected somé of the most enthralling tales of espionage, real and fictional, ever written: The Thirty-níne Steps, by John Buchan, the famous tnriller from which Alfréd Hitchcock's classic movie was made. Operation Cicero, by L. C. Moyzisch, a true j taíe of World War II espionage so bold and dangerous it threatened the outcome of the war. From Russia, 'With Love, by lan Fleming, in which smersh determines to rid itself once and for all of the formidable James Bond. I, Benedict Arnold, by Cornel Lengyel, the true story of how and why a hero.of the American Revolution... Tovább


ANNO UNCING: IIIGIISIAIÍES AN1) DliSl'li RA11Í MEN A selecffon of the best stories, true and fictional, about the dangerous shadow world of the spy Napoleon likec to say thai one spy in the right place was wcrth twenty men in the fíeld, and in fact the fates of armies and empires have been :;wayed by the cool daring of such men. in this richly illustrated volume the editors of Reader's Digest Condensed Books have collected somé of the most enthralling tales of espionage, real and fictional, ever written: The Thirty-níne Steps, by John Buchan, the famous tnriller from which Alfréd Hitchcock's classic movie was made. Operation Cicero, by L. C. Moyzisch, a true j taíe of World War II espionage so bold and dangerous it threatened the outcome of the war. From Russia, 'With Love, by lan Fleming, in which smersh determines to rid itself once and for all of the formidable James Bond. I, Benedict Arnold, by Cornel Lengyel, the true story of how and why a hero.of the American Revolution turnéd traitor. Background To Danger, by Eric Ambler, one of the best of the old master's great suspense novels. Klaus Fuchs, by Alan Moorehead-how a new and dangerous Dreed of spy, motivated not by money or patriotism but by ideology, betrayed secrets of the atom bomb to Russia. The Spy Who Came In From the Cold, by John Le Carré. This is the növel Graham Greene called "the best spy story I have ever read." Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat The boy who invented the bubble gun/The good shepherd/The property of a gentleman/His majesty's u-boat

A védőborító enyhén szakadozott, kopott, a lapélek foltosak. A kötés megnyílt. Az előzéklapon ex-libris címke található.

A felső lapélek aranyozottak.

1.880 Ft
940 ,-Ft 50
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