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Kiadó: Oxford University Press
Kiadás helye: New York-Toronto
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 127 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 0-19-520070-5
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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The character of Surrealism had been crystallizing over the previous five years when, in 1924, André Breton's Manifeste du Surréalisme defined the word. As conceived in those early days it was not so much a formai movemeqt as a spiritual orientation, embracing ethics and politics as well as the arts. Recourse to dreams, to the unconscious, to chance factors, to automatism dictated the Surrealist mode. Waldberg prefaces this collection of key documents with a conspectus of Surreal- A ism from its beginnings to the present time. "Waldberg sensib/y gives the buik of his space to the actual docu ments of the movement-the manifestoes, the editorials, the outcríes. Breton, Desnos, Eluard, Aragon, Ernst-these and others are represented. The pictoriai documentation is even more lavish - here are all the major figures connected with the movement 'taken from the life/often by the perceptive camera of Man Ray."- The Listener (London) "Waldberg, an active member ofthe Surrealist movement for... Tovább


The character of Surrealism had been crystallizing over the previous five years when, in 1924, André Breton's Manifeste du Surréalisme defined the word. As conceived in those early days it was not so much a formai movemeqt as a spiritual orientation, embracing ethics and politics as well as the arts. Recourse to dreams, to the unconscious, to chance factors, to automatism dictated the Surrealist mode. Waldberg prefaces this collection of key documents with a conspectus of Surreal- A ism from its beginnings to the present time. "Waldberg sensib/y gives the buik of his space to the actual docu ments of the movement-the manifestoes, the editorials, the outcríes. Breton, Desnos, Eluard, Aragon, Ernst-these and others are represented. The pictoriai documentation is even more lavish - here are all the major figures connected with the movement 'taken from the life/often by the perceptive camera of Man Ray."- The Listener (London) "Waldberg, an active member ofthe Surrealist movement for ten years... gives an excellent picture."- The Times (London) Patrick Waldberg, besides being a member ofthe Surrealist movement, was later an observer and histórián of the group's activities. A poet and homme de lettres, he is the biographer of Max Ernst. On the oover: René Magritte, Presence of Mind, 1958 iipl OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • NEW YORK Printmdm WmMtGmmmny ISBN 0195201 Vissza



Patrick Waldberg

Patrick Waldberg műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Patrick Waldberg könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Surrealism Surrealism Surrealism Surrealism Surrealism

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