The two volumes of Geovision use a geographer's perspective while seeking to find answers to questions such as: Why is it important to understand the world through geography? What is geographical equilibrium? What are the fusions and networks of the age that we live in? Where are the most important hubs? How has humanity shaped the planet? Why does the growth of global cities resemble the growth of corals? Which are today's most innovative countries, and why are they clustered around the same axis? What are the three main passwords of our age? What is meant by the rise of the East? What does a comprehensive and sustainable Eurasian world order look like, and why is it life-centered? How do the minds of Nobel laureates work? And what about Michelin Star chefs? What is technology-driven art? What do our usual maps look like when they are presented in a whole new way? To understand the developments around us, we need to turn to geography.
Geography returns and it is becoming more important. One only needs to think of today's geopolitical challenges: the COVID-19 pandemic, the geographical and economic realignment in the world, the energy crisis, climate change, and sustainability issues. There is more to geography than simply memorizing places on maps. It is an important tool for getting to know the world. If we can read maps, we can understand one of the most beautiful and interesting visual languages we have.
Geovision is a geographical guidebook for curious explorers by Csizmadia Norbert
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