BÉLA MARTOS received his Ph. D. Degree in mathematics at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He subsequently spent several years working in Hungary's leading economic institutions, including the National Planning Office, and since 1962 has been head of a research group at the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
In 1969 Béla Martos taught nonlinear programming to graduate students at Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A. The following year he was awarded a C. Sc. Degree In Mathematical Sciences for his thesis on the subject.
The author's deep-rooted interest In mathematical economics Is reflected In the number of papers he has published on aspects of mathematical methods of economic planning, and on economic applications of automatic control theory. Moreover, he is Editor of Szlgma, a Hungarian-language journal for mathematical economics, and an Associate Editor of Econometrlca.
The optimum...
BÉLA MARTOS received his Ph. D. Degree in mathematics at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He subsequently spent several years working in Hungary's leading economic institutions, including the National Planning Office, and since 1962 has been head of a research group at the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
In 1969 Béla Martos taught nonlinear programming to graduate students at Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A. The following year he was awarded a C. Sc. Degree In Mathematical Sciences for his thesis on the subject.
The author's deep-rooted interest In mathematical economics Is reflected In the number of papers he has published on aspects of mathematical methods of economic planning, and on economic applications of automatic control theory. Moreover, he is Editor of Szlgma, a Hungarian-language journal for mathematical economics, and an Associate Editor of Econometrlca.
The optimum solution to an economic or technical decision problem can often be formulated mathematically as a nonlinear programming problem. This book sets out to give a unified and systematic treatment of the most important aspects of the theory and algorithms of nonlinear programming.
Special emphasis is placed on the possible weakening of smoothness and convexity conditions. The practicality of the theory presented in the first part is illustrated in the second by a rich selection of groups of methods. Numerically simple but instructive examples of the application of algorithms are provided. In both sections of the book, the author's own contributions to the field, some hitherto unpublished, are included.
Although the book retains throughout a mathematical rigour, mathematical prerequisites of too high or too abstract a level are not assumed. Special introductory chapters summarize those small parts of set theory, differential calculus, topology, matrix calculus and the simplex methods of linear programming which are needed and referred to in the proofs.