
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

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No wonder they call him the savior


Kiadó: Multnomah Press
Kiadás helye: Portland
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 199 oldal
Sorozatcím: Chronicles of the Cross
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 0-88070-576-0
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
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A beállítást mentettük,
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ITALI COMES DOWN TO ONE THING. ¦ When your life feels hollow, what can fitt it with meaning? ¦ If someone asked you, "What makes Christianity different from any other religion?" how could you answer? ¦ When you need reassurance that someone deeply loves you, where can you turn? The Cross. You have seen it. You have worn it. Maybe you have even prayed to it. But do you know it? <&> Any serious study of the Christian claim is, at its essence, a study of the cross. To accept or reject Christ without careful examination of Calvary is like deciding on a car without looking at the engine. ^ u So take a good look at the cross. Examine this hour in history. Look at the witnesses. Listen to the voices. Watch the faces. v most of All, observe The one They Call The Savior. Because what he did is the one thing that matters most of all. Max Lucado is heard Monday through Friday on the national radio program, "UpWords. " His other books include And the Angels Were Silent, God Came Near and Six... Tovább


ITALI COMES DOWN TO ONE THING. ¦ When your life feels hollow, what can fitt it with meaning? ¦ If someone asked you, "What makes Christianity different from any other religion?" how could you answer? ¦ When you need reassurance that someone deeply loves you, where can you turn? The Cross. You have seen it. You have worn it. Maybe you have even prayed to it. But do you know it? <&> Any serious study of the Christian claim is, at its essence, a study of the cross. To accept or reject Christ without careful examination of Calvary is like deciding on a car without looking at the engine. ^ u So take a good look at the cross. Examine this hour in history. Look at the witnesses. Listen to the voices. Watch the faces. v most of All, observe The one They Call The Savior. Because what he did is the one thing that matters most of all. Max Lucado is heard Monday through Friday on the national radio program, "UpWords. " His other books include And the Angels Were Silent, God Came Near and Six Hours One Friday. 0- Vissza



Max Lucado

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