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New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book

Tanári kézikönyv

Kiadó: Oxford University Press
Kiadás helye: Oxford
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 160 oldal
Sorozatcím: New Headway
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 27 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 0-19-436665-0
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


New Headway English Course is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners.The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to help students use English accurately and fluently, and provides a fully comprehensive language teaching series from beginner to advanced.
New Headway Elementary can be used by both true and false beginners. It provides a foundation in the structure of the language, gradually building students' understanding of the basic grammar, vocabulary, and functions of English.
Key features
• Fresh, modern design, which makes activities easy to follow.
• New, universal topics selected from a wide variety of material.
• In-depth treatment of grammar, with clear presentations, self-check exercises in the... Tovább


New Headway English Course is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners.The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to help students use English accurately and fluently, and provides a fully comprehensive language teaching series from beginner to advanced.
New Headway Elementary can be used by both true and false beginners. It provides a foundation in the structure of the language, gradually building students' understanding of the basic grammar, vocabulary, and functions of English.
Key features
• Fresh, modern design, which makes activities easy to follow.
• New, universal topics selected from a wide variety of material.
• In-depth treatment of grammar, with clear presentations, self-check exercises in the Grammar Spot, and detailed explanation in the Grammar Reference, followed by extensive practice activities.
• Systematic vocabulary syllabus, including dictionary training, and work on systems such as collocation.
• Pronunciation work, which is integrated at appropriate points.
• Integrated skills work, where all four skills are developed in context.
• Everyday English section, which practises functional language and social situations.
In addition, there is aTeacher's Book with extra photocopiable material, a photocopiableTeacher's Resource Book, two Class Cassettes/CDs, a Workbook, and an optional Student's Workbook Cassette/CD. The level is supplemented by Headway Elementary Video and Headway Elementary Pronunciation.
Liz and John Soars have many years of experience as teachers and teacher trainers.They are best known for their creation of the Headway series, which has won international acclaim and has redefined standards for English language coursebooks. Vissza


New Headway Elementary
am/is/are- my/your/his/her- Everyday objects - Numbers - Hello and goodbye 6
am/is/'are: questions and negatives - Possessive's - Family - Opposites - In a café 11
Present Simple 1: he/she/it- Questions and negatives - Jobs - What time is it? 18
Present Simple 2: I/you/we/they- Leisure activities - Social expressions 26
Stop and check 1 138
There is/are - Prepositions - some/any- this/that- Furniture - Directions 34
Progress test 1
can/can't/could/couldn't- was/were- Words that sound the same - On the phone 42
Past Simple 1: regular verbs - Irregular verbs - Silent letters - Special occasions 51
Past Simple 2: negatives/ago - Which word is different? - What's the date?60
Stop and check 2
Count and uncount nouns -1 like/I'd like - much/many- Food - Polite requests 69
Comparatives and superlatives - have got -Town and country - Directions 2 77
Progress test 2
Present Continuous - Whose?- Clothes - Words that rhyme - In a clothes shop 87
going to future - Infinitive of purpose - The weather - Making suggestions 96
Stop and check 3
Question forms - Adverbs and adjectives - Describing feelings - Catching a train 105
Present Perfect + ever, never, yet, and just- At the airport113
Stop and check 4
Progress test 3 142
Photocopiable materials and extra ideas
Units 1-4 122
Units 5-8 125
Units 9-12 130
Units 13-14 135
Stop and checks Progress tests Answer keys
138 146 155
Megvásárolható példányok
New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book

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