NEURQB^HÖLjOGY I A Surnmary ior Students
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Richard W. Leech, M.D., is Neuropathologist for the Neuropsychiatrie Institute Hospital, and Professor and Chief, Division of Neuropathology, Department of Neuroscience, University of North Dakota Sch0p|;\)f Medicine, Fargo, North Dakota. Robert^. Shuman, M.D., is Associate Pfof;essor, Departments of Neurojogy and Pathology, University of Nebraet;â\School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska.
This clinically oriented manual presents a core program in neurop3|hology, categorized by pathogenetic reactions. The text summarizes pertin^l^'t demographic, clinical and neuropathologic data, emphasizing significant conditions. Basic mechanisms and reactions are stressed. The author^:, incorporate pediatric disease into appropriate sections of the text and;|^ature topics that are not usually found in general pathology texts and other , neuropathological manuals: brain edema and intracranial mass lesionsfispinal column disorders; seizures; and...
NEURQB^HÖLjOGY I A Surnmary ior Students
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Richard W. Leech, M.D., is Neuropathologist for the Neuropsychiatrie Institute Hospital, and Professor and Chief, Division of Neuropathology, Department of Neuroscience, University of North Dakota Sch0p|;\)f Medicine, Fargo, North Dakota. Robert^. Shuman, M.D., is Associate Pfof;essor, Departments of Neurojogy and Pathology, University of Nebraet;â\School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska.
This clinically oriented manual presents a core program in neurop3|hology, categorized by pathogenetic reactions. The text summarizes pertin^l^'t demographic, clinical and neuropathologic data, emphasizing significant conditions. Basic mechanisms and reactions are stressed. The author^:, incorporate pediatric disease into appropriate sections of the text and;|^ature topics that are not usually found in general pathology texts and other , neuropathological manuals: brain edema and intracranial mass lesionsfispinal column disorders; seizures; and paraneoplastic diseases. Detailed illusf|a,tions help clarify the mechanisms that produce disease. .
NEUROPATHOLOGY includes information not found in a simple cHnicali, manual, yet avoids unnecessarily lengthy or exhaustive discussions of I pathology Concise and easy to understand, it is an ideal manual for medicäl, students and residents in medicine, surgery, and the neurosciences—as v^^el'} as for pediatricians and other physicians interested in neurologic disordersi^^f-