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Managing Planet Earth

Readings From Scientific American Magazine

San Francisco
Kiadó: W. H. Freeman and Company
Kiadás helye: San Francisco
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 146 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 18 cm
ISBN: 0-7167-2108-2
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Managing Planet Earth
the environmental hazards CONTENTS
Managing Planet Earth is a long look at the environmental hazards CONTENT! facing the planet and how the world community can work together
to secure our common future. These fascinating articles from Managing Planet Earth
Scientific American offer in-depth discussions of strategies that will William C. Clark help ensure the health and continuing economic development of the
• earth. Topics as far reaching as population growth, the changing atmosphere and climate, the accelerating loss of biodiversity, and threats to the world's water are discussed.
From new methods of food production to improvement in efficient energy use, these articles examine the prospects for world wide economic development without further degradation of the environment.
This reader heightens our awareness of these issues and offers strategies for management of the earth's resources in ecologically... Tovább



mm ^^^HHpnpHiH^H
Managing Planet Earth
the environmental hazards CONTENTS
Managing Planet Earth is a long look at the environmental hazards CONTENT! facing the planet and how the world community can work together
to secure our common future. These fascinating articles from Managing Planet Earth
Scientific American offer in-depth discussions of strategies that will William C. Clark help ensure the health and continuing economic development of the
• earth. Topics as far reaching as population growth, the changing atmosphere and climate, the accelerating loss of biodiversity, and threats to the world's water are discussed.
From new methods of food production to improvement in efficient energy use, these articles examine the prospects for world wide economic development without further degradation of the environment.
This reader heightens our awareness of these issues and offers strategies for management of the earth's resources in ecologically sustainable ways. Moving people and nations toward sustarnability requires changes in values and social institutions, but most importantly an understanding of the multiple problems is essential if we are to achieve a more livable world.
THE COVER PAINTING depicts points of light that reflect the impact of human beings on the earth, as seen by satellite. The major sources of light are urban areas (especially in the Northern Hemisphere), slash-and-burn agriculture (in South America), grassland burning (in'Africa), and natural-gas flares (in Siberia and the Persian GulfX Floodlights, operated by fishing fleets to attract squid, illuminate the Sea of Japan; city lights trace the path of the Trans-Siberian Railroad; and lights along the Nile River contrast with the virtually dark Sahara. Although these and other features are only approximations (fires vary seasonally for example), they effectively portray patterns of human activity around the world.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN READERS present key articles from the world's foremost science magazine. Written by the best possible reporters-the scientists working at the forefront of their disciplines-these articles present clear, factual information at the cutting edge of science.
The Changing Atmosphere Thomas E. GraedelandPaulJ. Crutzen
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The Changing Climate Stephen H. Schneider iff v.
Threats to the World's Water J. W. Maurits la Riviere
Threats to Biodiversity Edward a Wilson
The Growing Human Population Nathan Keyfitz
Strategies for Agriculture
Pierre R. Crosson and Norman J. Rosenberg
Strategies for Energy Use
John H. Gibbons, Peter D. Blair, and Holly L. Gwin
Strategies for Manufacturing
Robert A. Frosh and Nicholas E. Gallopoulos
Strategies for Sustainable Economic Development Jim MacNeill
Toward a Sustainable World William D. Ruckelshaus
How to Secure Our Common Future Gro Harlem Brundtland Vissza


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Managing Planet Earth Managing Planet Earth Managing Planet Earth
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