Of all shooting sports, wildfowling is the most arduous, the most romantic and the loneliest. It is also the branch of wing-shooting in which the novice has the most to learn — in terms of safety, quarry identification, marshcraft and ethics.
In this handbook there is a wealth of useful information which the beginner will find invaluable. For the veteran fowler too, there is much which will provide food for thought. The history of the sport, current developments, the quarry species, guns and equipment, gundogs and cooking the bag are all covered in a clear and concise manner.
The chapters are as foliows:-
1. The Night of the Long Guns
2. The Age of Enlightenment
3. Wildfowling Today
4. The Natural History of Wildfowl
5. The Quarry Species
6. A Gun for the Marsh
7. Clothing and Equipment
8. Safety on the Shore
9. Flightcraft
10. The Fowler's Dog
11. Shooting and Conservation
12. From Gamebag to Table
13. Close Season Pursuits
A special feature of...
Of all shooting sports, wildfowling is the most arduous, the most romantic and the loneliest. It is also the branch of wing-shooting in which the novice has the most to learn — in terms of safety, quarry identification, marshcraft and ethics.
In this handbook there is a wealth of useful information which the beginner will find invaluable. For the veteran fowler too, there is much which will provide food for thought. The history of the sport, current developments, the quarry species, guns and equipment, gundogs and cooking the bag are all covered in a clear and concise manner.
The chapters are as foliows:-
1. The Night of the Long Guns
2. The Age of Enlightenment
3. Wildfowling Today
4. The Natural History of Wildfowl
5. The Quarry Species
6. A Gun for the Marsh
7. Clothing and Equipment
8. Safety on the Shore
9. Flightcraft
10. The Fowler's Dog
11. Shooting and Conservation
12. From Gamebag to Table
13. Close Season Pursuits
A special feature of the book are the Colour Identification Plates which were specially painted for this volume by Bernard Barker. There are also silhouette plates to show the reader how to recognise the birds in flight at dawn or in the evenings. Unless otherwise stated, all photographs are by the author.