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Mikhail Gorbachev

The Soviet leader who ended the Cold War and opened the road to freedom for eastern Europe

Róla szól

Kiadó: Exley Publications Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Watford
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 63 oldal
Sorozatcím: People who have helped the world
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 1-85015-218-7
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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Until the 1980s few people in the West had ever heard of him. Even in his own country, the Soviet Union, he was just one among many: a member of the Communist Party that ran the vast country - the biggest in the world. But, in 1985, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev became the Soviet Union's leader. And, within five short years, he changed millions of people's lives. To cure the sick Soviet economy, he introduced sweeping new concepts called "perestroika" (re-structuring), and "glasnost" (openness). As a result, the Soviet Union has been freed from the rule of fear, and the awesome threat of Soviet military power has declined. In eastern Europe, the nations that once went in fear of Russian tanks have taken their liberty back again. The Cold War is over- and for his part in ending it, Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize. Mikhail Gorbachev was the man with the freedom touch - a polititian of genius and a brilliant communicator. Many hard decisions still face the... Tovább


Until the 1980s few people in the West had ever heard of him. Even in his own country, the Soviet Union, he was just one among many: a member of the Communist Party that ran the vast country - the biggest in the world. But, in 1985, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev became the Soviet Union's leader. And, within five short years, he changed millions of people's lives. To cure the sick Soviet economy, he introduced sweeping new concepts called "perestroika" (re-structuring), and "glasnost" (openness). As a result, the Soviet Union has been freed from the rule of fear, and the awesome threat of Soviet military power has declined. In eastern Europe, the nations that once went in fear of Russian tanks have taken their liberty back again. The Cold War is over- and for his part in ending it, Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize. Mikhail Gorbachev was the man with the freedom touch - a polititian of genius and a brilliant communicator. Many hard decisions still face the Soviet Union, and somé could lead to chaos and suffering. But nothing will put history back to the days before Mikhail Gorbachev changed the world. Other books in this series The books in the people who have helped the world series set out, in a lively way, to teli the stories of the great humanitarians, peacemakers and conservationists of our time and the problems they faced. Titles in print or in preparation include: Róbert Baden Fowell Peter Benenson Louis Braille Charlie Chaplin Marié Curie The Dalai Lama Father Daniién Henry Dunant Mahatma Gandhi Bob Geldof Martin Luther King Abraham Lincoln Nelson Mandela Maria Montessori Florence Nightingale Louis Pasteur Eleanor Roosevelt Albert Schweitzer Sir Péter Scott Mother Teresa Desmond Tútu Lech Walesa Raoul Wallenberg Vissza

Anna Sproule

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Mikhail Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev

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