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Microbiological Methods

Kiadó: Butterworths
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 330 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér ábrákkal.
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In this series
Laboratory Techniques in Botany
By M. J. Purvis, R.H.S., D. C. Collier and D. Walls, a.i.S;t;:
Botany Department, University Coflege, London
Faced by a continuously widening field of research, biologists must have experience of as many techniques as are available. This practical manual covers all the main techniques and
' apparatus used in a botanical laboratory, and will be particularly useful to technicians, students and teachers in universities, schools and technical colleges.
" The authors, technicians at University College London, begin by introducing general apparatus, volumetric analysis, and pH, and by giving advice on safety precautions and the use of radioisotopes. Histological techniques are then covered in detail, with brief notes on the preparation of sections for the electron microscope; and there is information on squash methods, bacterial smears, whole mounts, macerations, and important biological tests. Lists of stains are included, together... Tovább


In this series
Laboratory Techniques in Botany
By M. J. Purvis, R.H.S., D. C. Collier and D. Walls, a.i.S;t;:
Botany Department, University Coflege, London
Faced by a continuously widening field of research, biologists must have experience of as many techniques as are available. This practical manual covers all the main techniques and
' apparatus used in a botanical laboratory, and will be particularly useful to technicians, students and teachers in universities, schools and technical colleges.
" The authors, technicians at University College London, begin by introducing general apparatus, volumetric analysis, and pH, and by giving advice on safety precautions and the use of radioisotopes. Histological techniques are then covered in detail, with brief notes on the preparation of sections for the electron microscope; and there is information on squash methods, bacterial smears, whole mounts, macerations, and important biological tests. Lists of stains are included, together with descriptions of greenhouse work, propagation of plants, the planning of aquaria, and the preparation of museum and herbarium material, and complete records are given for all types of sterilization and culture techniques. Finally the authors explain physiological experiments and apparatus used for photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and other physical and chemical phenomena, and methods of analysing soil, water and plant material.
The text is illustrated throughout with diagrams and drawings, and examination questions are included to give immediate practical experience. The large number of techniques described, often with selected references to other literature, will ensure the book's constant use as a laboratory manual.
Microbiology is taking an increasing part in the curricula of universities and teclinical colleges. Examinations, mainly of a technical nature, are now conducted by at least three professional institutions, and there has been a growing need for a book of practical methods.
This textbook is written for students preparing for the examinations in microbiology of the institutes of Science Technology and Medical Laboratory Technology, Higher Endorsed Certificates in Biology, and university degrees in microbiology. It is essentially practical, and may be used as a bench book in public health, food and medical laboratories.
Mr. Collins begins by introducing those who have no biological training to the general biology of micro-organisms, their classification, and the principles of serological identification. He then covers apparatus, materials and methods, including the operation of thermostats, sterilization and optical equipment, the preparation and use of culture media, microscopic and agglutination methods, and pure culture, biochemical and counting techniques. He describes the practical identification of the main groups of bacteria and fungi encountered in public health, food and medical laboratory work, and covers in detail the applied microbiological techniques used in the examination and testing of various matter. Finally he discusses microbiological assay and safety in the laboratory.
Microbiological Methods is well-planned and up to date, and teachers, students and laboratory workers are sure to give it an enthusiastic welcome. Vissza



C. H. Collins

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Microbiological Methods Microbiological Methods Microbiological Methods Microbiological Methods Microbiological Methods Microbiological Methods

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