Encompassing all aspects of horticulture, The RHS Shorter Dictionary of Gardening includes descriptions and cultivation details for
over 18,000 plants and gives definitions of hundreds of botanical and horticultural terms. It addresses topics of horticultural science and practice, describing many gardening techniques
and offers practical advice on such varied subjects as growing methods, pest and disease recognition and garden equipment.
Illustrated throughout with line drawings plus 48 pages of colour photographs -
This major horticultural reference work in one volume is based on the acclaimed four-volume l^ew RHS Dictionary of Gardening
The RHS shorter dictionary of gardening is a compreliensive, quick-reference source to gardening and horticulture. Compiled with keen gardeners and students particularly in mind, it gathers into one volume a treasure trove of information and advice about plants, practical horticulture and cultivation techniques, botanical and gardening...
Encompassing all aspects of horticulture, The RHS Shorter Dictionary of Gardening includes descriptions and cultivation details for
over 18,000 plants and gives definitions of hundreds of botanical and horticultural terms. It addresses topics of horticultural science and practice, describing many gardening techniques
and offers practical advice on such varied subjects as growing methods, pest and disease recognition and garden equipment.
Illustrated throughout with line drawings plus 48 pages of colour photographs -
This major horticultural reference work in one volume is based on the acclaimed four-volume l^ew RHS Dictionary of Gardening
The RHS shorter dictionary of gardening is a compreliensive, quick-reference source to gardening and horticulture. Compiled with keen gardeners and students particularly in mind, it gathers into one volume a treasure trove of information and advice about plants, practical horticulture and cultivation techniques, botanical and gardening terms, pests and diseases and common names.
The A to Z style provides easy access to a huge range of essential information, creating an effective gardening library in one volume and drawing together information that would usually appear in a number of gardening books. The diverse and fascinating content includes references to Utde-known aspects of the subject as well as explanations of all the practical details of the gardener's craft. It contains descriptions of over 1900 genera with many more references to species, hybrids and cultivars.
The authors have drawn on their considerable botanical and horticultural Icnowledge to create these authoritative yet accessible definitions. Included throughout the text are colour photographs and specially commissioned line drawings that illustrate gardens, plants and gardening techniques and serve to make this volume as beautifiil as it is usefiil.
If you want to Icnow about a plant, discover the meaning of a gardening term, learn the best way to sow seed or simply enjoy dipping into a medley of fascinating facts, then The RHS Shorter Dictionnry of Gardening is an essential addition to your library.