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Kiadó: Little, Brown and Company
Kiadás helye: Boston
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 106 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-316-35512-7
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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Independent-minded and unpredictable, Lillian Hellman continues on her own way as a woman and a writer, refusing to conform to the expectations of others, or the stereotypes that fame might have imposed on her. Maybe, as fascinating and enigmatic a book as she has ever written - so rich equally in what it telis and what it leaves unsaid - is dramatically different from the three celebrated memoirs that have preceded it. There she was writing of people she knew well, somé of them very close to her, and events in which she played an important role herself or which had an important effect upon her; here she has deliberately reversed her practice. At the center of this complex evocation, drawn it would seem from life, she has placed the elusive, beautiful Sarah Cameron, whom she saw only intermittently over forty years - in Paris, in New York, in Hollywood, in Romé - and never with any degree of intimacy: "From my point of view she was a kind of interesting drop-in." Sarah's story, as... Tovább


Independent-minded and unpredictable, Lillian Hellman continues on her own way as a woman and a writer, refusing to conform to the expectations of others, or the stereotypes that fame might have imposed on her. Maybe, as fascinating and enigmatic a book as she has ever written - so rich equally in what it telis and what it leaves unsaid - is dramatically different from the three celebrated memoirs that have preceded it. There she was writing of people she knew well, somé of them very close to her, and events in which she played an important role herself or which had an important effect upon her; here she has deliberately reversed her practice. At the center of this complex evocation, drawn it would seem from life, she has placed the elusive, beautiful Sarah Cameron, whom she saw only intermittently over forty years - in Paris, in New York, in Hollywood, in Romé - and never with any degree of intimacy: "From my point of view she was a kind of interesting drop-in." Sarah's story, as she parcels it out to Lillian over the years, tantalizing in its incompleteness and inconsistency, with its bursts of fantasy and deliberate falsehoods, its whiff of downright evil, has prompted Miss Hellman to attempt to piece together, perhaps to understand, what in the end she comes to recognize will remain forever just out of reach, imperfectly understood, like so much of life itself. But on the way to its devastating conclusion Maybe offers a succession of dazzling moments and scenes, somé Vissza

Lillian Hellman

Lillian Hellman műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Lillian Hellman könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe

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