"Know, love, and believe what you're doing—and you'll be the happiest person there is." This is the message l've been carrying across the United States and (anada for the past three years. I'm living proof that the statement is true.
In 1989, J. B. Lauchner, Sue Colwell, and I förmed a company that we called Youth Enterprises. Our goal was to make a difference in children's ways oí look-ing at and relating to math. We believe there are no mathematical illiterates— only people who have yet to learn to do math in a way that works for them. Just like any problem in life, there's more than one way to solve a math problem.
While on our mission, we ran into a surprise. Our originál program, Motivá-tion Through Mdthemátics, was aimed at children. We discovered, though, that their parents and other adults were just as eager to learn our fun and creative way to manipulate numbers. Lifelong math phobias had left scars on their psyches—they had even altered their career choices to avoid...
"Know, love, and believe what you're doing—and you'll be the happiest person there is." This is the message l've been carrying across the United States and (anada for the past three years. I'm living proof that the statement is true.
In 1989, J. B. Lauchner, Sue Colwell, and I förmed a company that we called Youth Enterprises. Our goal was to make a difference in children's ways oí look-ing at and relating to math. We believe there are no mathematical illiterates— only people who have yet to learn to do math in a way that works for them. Just like any problem in life, there's more than one way to solve a math problem.
While on our mission, we ran into a surprise. Our originál program, Motivá-tion Through Mdthemátics, was aimed at children. We discovered, though, that their parents and other adults were just as eager to learn our fun and creative way to manipulate numbers. Lifelong math phobias had left scars on their psyches—they had even altered their career choices to avoid math—but now they were faced with the responsibility of helping their children learn math. Cold with fear, willing to try anything, they found our program was as useful for themselves as for their children
—Scott Flansburg, The Humán (alculator, írom the Introduction to Math Magic
The Humán (alculator Shows How to Master Eveiyday Math Problems in Seconds
"The Humán (alculator" with Victoria Hay, Ph.D.
Balancing a checkbook, making and keeping a grocery budget, measuring floor space, figuring savings interest yield and credit-card interest debits—to millions of adults these calculations are not only intimidating but impossible. As students, many people did not receive a math education that was directly connected to the real world, and as adults they are ashamed of their "math illiteracy" and too embarrassed to do anything about it. But in Máth Mágic, Scott Flansburg, known nationwide as The Humán (alculator, offers his unique, fun, and proven approach to mastering essential mathematics.
Already a celebrity through his popular lectures and Turn on the Humán Cdlculátor in You videó, Scott has demonstrated his amazing math ability to millions of people, calculating long lists of large numbers into the far decimai rangé at speeds that beat an electronic calculator. And in Máth Mdgic he shows you how to do it, too.
But Máth Mágic is not a book of tricks. It is a new method of learning that begins not with the traditional disciplines of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, but by looking at how numbers áctuálly work. The shift in thinking is the key to being able to use math naturally and in everyday situations—even to compute long lists of difficult numbers without the aid of a calculator. From a simple base of skills readers will be shown the traditional disciplines in an amazing new light. In addi-
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tion, readers will venture into geometry, percentages, metrics, fractions, and other areas where most people never dared go before, and be successful at it.
Past failures are no reason to give up on yourself. Through Scott Flansburg's program millions have been shown how to succeed where they have never had success before. Máth Mdgic makes math what you may never have imagined it to be: easy and fun.
Scott Flansburg's lectures and his videó, Turn on the Humán Cálculátorin You, have helped countless children and adults learn the power of math. Victoria Hay is a free-lance writer and former editor.