
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment

Mesterművek a fantázia és a varázsló világából


A könyv varázslókról, csodákról, különös teremtményekről és különös világokról szóló művekből közöl válogatást.
The Rule of Names - Ursula K. Le Guin3
The Magic Fishbone - Charles Dickens13
The Goddess on the Street Corner - Margaret St. Clair23
Feathertop: A Moralized Legend - Nathaniel Hawthorne31
The Root and the Ring - Wyman Guin49
The Green Magician - L. Sprague de Campl and Fletcher Pratt70
Our Fair City - Robert A. Heinlein128
The Man Who Could Not See Devils - Joanna Russ149
Hieroglyphic Tales - Horace Walpole
A New Arabian Night's Entertainment162
The King and His Three Daughters166
The Dice-box: A Fairy Tale169
The Pieach in Brandy: A Milesian Tale173
Mi Li: A Chinese Fairy Tale176
A True Love Story182
The Bird's Nest185
Bird of Prey - John Collier189
The Detective of Dreams - Gene Wolfe197
The Bee-man of Orn - Frank R. Stockton214
The Red Hawk - Elizabeth A. Lynn224
The Canvasser's Tale - Mark Twain252
The Silken-Swift... - Theodore Sturgeon261
The New Mother - Lucy Clifford280
Mr Lupescu - Anthony Boucher291
The King of the Cats - Stephen Vincent Benét296
Uncle Einar - Ray Bradbury310
Space-Time for Springers - Fritz Leiber318
Great is Diana - Avram Davidson330
The Last of the Huggermuggers: A Giant Story - Christopher Pearse Cranch339
Tobermory - Saki368
The King of the Elves - Philip K. Dick375
American Fairy Tales - L. Frank Baum
The Glass Dog397
The Queen of Quok405
The Magic Bonbons413
The Dummy That Lived419
The Tale of Dragons and Dreamers - Samuel R. Delany426
from Phantasmion - Sara Coleridge455
Tales - Kenneth Morris
The Sapphire Necklace465
The Regent of the North473
The Eyeless Dragons: A Chinese Story483
Elric at the End of Time - Michael Moorcock491
Lindenborg Pool - William Morris532
The Moon Pool - A. Merritt540
The Sword of Welleran - Lord Dunsany580
Operation Afreet - Poul Anderson593
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