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Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations

New York-Frankfurt-Villefranche-sur-Mer
Kiadó: Something Else Press, Inc.
Kiadás helye: New York-Frankfurt-Villefranche-sur-Mer
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 145 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
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Other Something Else Press Books exploring the ways and means of communication
John Cage: Notations i
A cross-section of the varieties of musical experience of our times, with nearly 300 reproductions of manuscripts, and with a mosaic text collaged from the words of the composers themselves. The result is a poem and a portrait, not of individuals but of a state of being, of one art among the others. Clothbourtd, $15.00. Paper, $4.50.
Robert Filliou and George Brecht: Games at the Cedilla, or the Cedilla takes off
Aesthetic researches by a pair of artists who speak in examples only, and who consider the arts the research and development branch of the communications industry. Delightfully illustrated and "at last, a fun book again!" as Jerome Agel put it in Books. Bound in wiggy cloth, only $5.95.
Emmett Williams, editor: An Anthology of Concrete Poetry This is the book that introduced this now well-known medium in which the visual and linguistic arts merge. It is also, we're... Tovább


Other Something Else Press Books exploring the ways and means of communication
John Cage: Notations i
A cross-section of the varieties of musical experience of our times, with nearly 300 reproductions of manuscripts, and with a mosaic text collaged from the words of the composers themselves. The result is a poem and a portrait, not of individuals but of a state of being, of one art among the others. Clothbourtd, $15.00. Paper, $4.50.
Robert Filliou and George Brecht: Games at the Cedilla, or the Cedilla takes off
Aesthetic researches by a pair of artists who speak in examples only, and who consider the arts the research and development branch of the communications industry. Delightfully illustrated and "at last, a fun book again!" as Jerome Agel put it in Books. Bound in wiggy cloth, only $5.95.
Emmett Williams, editor: An Anthology of Concrete Poetry This is the book that introduced this now well-known medium in which the visual and linguistic arts merge. It is also, we're proud to confess, the largest and most international collection in a loudly large and deeply international field that reflects the nature of the world of now. Cloth, $10. Paper, $3.95.
Emmett Williams: sweethearts
So you think Concrete Poetry can't be as mad and as tender as Chaplin? Man, you've missed this one. It's even a movie. It sometimes happens that the new arts speak especially loud to our times, you know. Cloth, $6.95. Paper, $2.95.
Diter Rot: 246 Little Clouds
A very grey book from a grey December voyage on a tramp steamer where the not-so-grey Icelandic poet/ designer drew many grey conclusions and produced this, his first and not at all grey text in English. V/ith an introduction by Emmett Williams, and an explanatory appendix and almost 200 drawings by Diter Rot. Clothbound, $5.95.
Write for complete catalogue Something Else Press, Inc., Millerton, New York 12546

M Vissza


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