by Géza Róheim
"Schizophrenia is the magical psychosis par excel-
lence," notes Dr. Róheim in this important work. After
examining in detail the magical myths and practices
of primitive peoples in all parts of the globe, the great
psychoanalyst relates these to the thoughts, hallucina-
tions and behavior of schizophrenic patients, particu-
larly to a singularly revealing case study of a patient
under his own observation.
Few psychoanalysts enjoyed as thorough a knowledge
of modern anthropology as Dr. Róheim, who demon-
strates his extraordinary proficiency in his discussions
of the beliefs and practice of love magic, incantations,
black magic, anal magic, phallic magic, magic and
orality, the connections between magic and neurosis,
and the origin and function of magic in primitive so-
cieties. "Magic in general is the counterphobic atti-
tude, the transition from passivity to activity. As such
it is probably the basic element in...
by Géza Róheim
"Schizophrenia is the magical psychosis par excel-
lence," notes Dr. Róheim in this important work. After
examining in detail the magical myths and practices
of primitive peoples in all parts of the globe, the great
psychoanalyst relates these to the thoughts, hallucina-
tions and behavior of schizophrenic patients, particu-
larly to a singularly revealing case study of a patient
under his own observation.
Few psychoanalysts enjoyed as thorough a knowledge
of modern anthropology as Dr. Róheim, who demon-
strates his extraordinary proficiency in his discussions
of the beliefs and practice of love magic, incantations,
black magic, anal magic, phallic magic, magic and
orality, the connections between magic and neurosis,
and the origin and function of magic in primitive so-
cieties. "Magic in general is the counterphobic atti-
tude, the transition from passivity to activity. As such
it is probably the basic element in thought and the
initial phase of any activity. Schizophrenic magic, on
the other hand, is purely 'imagination magic'—realis-
tic action does not follow."
In the course of analyzing the similarities as well as
the differences between primitive magic and schizo-
phrenia, Dr. Géza Róheim sheds a wealth of new light
on the puzzling mysteries which surround them both.