This new dictionary reveals for the first time the richness of the English language, from natural informal conversation to literature and business language, all based on the 100 million ! word British National Corpus, the 30 million word Longman Lancaster Corpus,! the only corpus of British and American'! speech, and the 5 million word Longman'i Learner's Corpus.
NEW Spoken English j . |
The only dictionary to recognize the importance of spoken English, showing the i j words and phrases used to communicate naturally in spoken English.
ü %
NEW Frequency information The most frequent words in spoken and written English are marked, to show learners I which words are important. Over 150 graphs f compare the frequency of words in spoken I ahd written English, British and American i usage, and frequency of collocations, j
grammar patterns and synonyms.
NEW Phrases and collocations This dictionary highlights thousands of phrases and collocations in the clearest possible way.
This new dictionary reveals for the first time the richness of the English language, from natural informal conversation to literature and business language, all based on the 100 million ! word British National Corpus, the 30 million word Longman Lancaster Corpus,! the only corpus of British and American'! speech, and the 5 million word Longman'i Learner's Corpus.
NEW Spoken English j . |
The only dictionary to recognize the importance of spoken English, showing the i j words and phrases used to communicate naturally in spoken English.
ü %
NEW Frequency information The most frequent words in spoken and written English are marked, to show learners I which words are important. Over 150 graphs f compare the frequency of words in spoken I ahd written English, British and American i usage, and frequency of collocations, j
grammar patterns and synonyms.
NEW Phrases and collocations This dictionary highlights thousands of phrases and collocations in the clearest possible way.
NEW Easy access
"Signposts" and menus in longer entries
guide you straight to the meaning you want, j 'j
NEW Usage Notes
All new Usage Notes based on analysis of the Longman Learner's Corpus.
NEW Wider coverage: dearer definitions
¦ Over 80,000 words and phrases with easy-to-understand definitions, expertly written, using thelbngman Defining Vocabulary of 2000-common words.
¦ New words like surfing the net and snail-mail.