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Literature and its Cults

La Litterature et ses Cultes/An Anthropological Approach/Approche Anthropologique


Kiadó: Argumentum
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 270 oldal
Nyelv: Angol   Francia  
Méret: 19 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 963-7719-75-X
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LITERATURE AND ITS CULTS: an Anthropological Approach / LA LITTÉRATURE ET SES CULTES: Approche anthropologique
Edited by / publié par Péter Dâvidhâzi Judit Karafiâth
In this collection of studies sixteen European scholars explore new ways of studying culture. Eliminating the old division of „intrinsic" and „extrinsic" approaches, the contributors regard literature as a complex social practice governed by latent cultic patterns. As their common assumption here is that the appropriation of authors and their texts is inseparable from quasi —religious acts of reverence as diverse as literary pilgrimages, relic worship, the erection and dedication of monuments, and public celebrations of anniversaries, the contributors offer a new anthropological context for the interpretation of literature. While some papers focus on the cult of Shakespeare as the great paradigm of literary cults, others analyse cultic aspects of our attitudes to authors like Beauvoir, Céline, Dickens, Flaubert,... Tovább


LITERATURE AND ITS CULTS: an Anthropological Approach / LA LITTÉRATURE ET SES CULTES: Approche anthropologique
Edited by / publié par Péter Dâvidhâzi Judit Karafiâth
In this collection of studies sixteen European scholars explore new ways of studying culture. Eliminating the old division of „intrinsic" and „extrinsic" approaches, the contributors regard literature as a complex social practice governed by latent cultic patterns. As their common assumption here is that the appropriation of authors and their texts is inseparable from quasi —religious acts of reverence as diverse as literary pilgrimages, relic worship, the erection and dedication of monuments, and public celebrations of anniversaries, the contributors offer a new anthropological context for the interpretation of literature. While some papers focus on the cult of Shakespeare as the great paradigm of literary cults, others analyse cultic aspects of our attitudes to authors like Beauvoir, Céline, Dickens, Flaubert, Joyce, Proust, Sartre and Wilde, and a separate section is devoted to case studies of literary cults in Central and Eastern Europe. Vissza
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