
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

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5000 Ft
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Lies of Silence


Kiadó: Ernst Klett Schulbuchverlag
Kiadás helye: Stuttgart
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 139 oldal
Sorozatcím: Klett
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 3-12-577440-3
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
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A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


At a quarter to nine, just before going off work, Dillon went down to reception to check the staff roster for tomorrow. Two of the six women who came in to make breakfasts were reporting sick, so room service would be short staffed in the morning. He told Eileen, the clerk on the front desk, to ask Duffy to ring around and see if he could find replacements. But it would be a wasted exercise. He then went down the hall and had a word with Collis, the banquet manager. 'Bloody hell,' Collis said. Tm no help to you. Wouldn't you know it would happen on a day when we have two breakfast functions. And one of them's for eighty people.' 'Which one?' Collis pointed to the appointments board: orange order canadian lodges commemoration breakfast Speaker: Rev. Alun Pottinger 8.30 a.m. emerald room (Ticket Holders Only) 'Pottinger,' he said. 'I forgót.' 'Will there be special security?' Collis asked. 'I don't think so. He has his own minders. How many priváté luncheons do you have?' 'In the... Tovább


At a quarter to nine, just before going off work, Dillon went down to reception to check the staff roster for tomorrow. Two of the six women who came in to make breakfasts were reporting sick, so room service would be short staffed in the morning. He told Eileen, the clerk on the front desk, to ask Duffy to ring around and see if he could find replacements. But it would be a wasted exercise. He then went down the hall and had a word with Collis, the banquet manager. 'Bloody hell,' Collis said. Tm no help to you. Wouldn't you know it would happen on a day when we have two breakfast functions. And one of them's for eighty people.' 'Which one?' Collis pointed to the appointments board: orange order canadian lodges commemoration breakfast Speaker: Rev. Alun Pottinger 8.30 a.m. emerald room (Ticket Holders Only) 'Pottinger,' he said. 'I forgót.' 'Will there be special security?' Collis asked. 'I don't think so. He has his own minders. How many priváté luncheons do you have?' 'In the banqueting-rooms I have four. Full up. And the dining-room is fully booked.' 'Well, it's graduation week,' he said. He looked at the clock on Collis's desk. One minute past nine. She should be home now. He said good-night to Collis and made his last round of the day, stopping in at the lobby bar to sign a supplies list. The bar was the busiest part of the 2 staff roster [sta:f] list of employees' names and their jobs - 5 replacement person taking the place (i.e. doing the work) of another person w 7 banquet [ baeqkwat] formai dinner for many people - 9 function a formai reception - 12 appointment arrangement for a meeting, etc. - 13 Orange Order an organization of Ulster Protestants förmed in 1795 with the aim of keeping up Protestant rule in Ireland (named after their hero, King William of Orange) - lodge local branch of a club - 14 commemoration action of giving honour to the memory of a person or event by a public ceremony -15 emerald [ emsrald] bright green in colour (smaragdfarben) - 19 minder (cf. to mind s.o.) person who looks after s.o. {here: bodyguard) ~ 23 graduation special ceremony at a university at which degrees are given to successful students Vissza



Brian Moore

Brian Moore műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Brian Moore könyvek, művek
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