\\u TTERHEAD + featured design firms inclüdei • CROSS COLOUR5, WEST JOHANNESBURG, SPUTH AFRICA • Dl LUZIÜ DI5ENO, SAN I5IDRD, ARGENTÍNA • fgrm s, bremen, germany • ERETEMAN GROUP, WlCHITA, KANSAS • HDRNALL ANDERSON DESIGN WORKS, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON • kan & lau design cqnsultants, Hong Kong • MIKE SALISBURY COMMUNICATIONS, TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA • MIRES DESIGN, SAN DlEGO, C ALIFORNIA • sagmeister, inc., new york, new york • SAYLES GRAPHIC DESIGN, DES MOINES, IOWA • SWIETER DESIGN, DALLAS, TEXAS • TANGRAM, NOVARA, ITALY • tharp did it, los gatos, california • tiekna, Toronto, Canada • WERK-haus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The fifth volume in the letterhead and lógd design sehies is a remarkable collection of new and inndvative letterheads and logos by today's top designers. each of the designs successfully captures the personality of the businesses while still effectively and clearly com m unic ati ng their identities. • includes 3 ? ? letterhead and logo oesigns in a var iet y OF formats:...
\\u TTERHEAD + featured design firms inclüdei • CROSS COLOUR5, WEST JOHANNESBURG, SPUTH AFRICA • Dl LUZIÜ DI5ENO, SAN I5IDRD, ARGENTÍNA • fgrm s, bremen, germany • ERETEMAN GROUP, WlCHITA, KANSAS • HDRNALL ANDERSON DESIGN WORKS, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON • kan & lau design cqnsultants, Hong Kong • MIKE SALISBURY COMMUNICATIONS, TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA • MIRES DESIGN, SAN DlEGO, C ALIFORNIA • sagmeister, inc., new york, new york • SAYLES GRAPHIC DESIGN, DES MOINES, IOWA • SWIETER DESIGN, DALLAS, TEXAS • TANGRAM, NOVARA, ITALY • tharp did it, los gatos, california • tiekna, Toronto, Canada • WERK-haus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The fifth volume in the letterhead and lógd design sehies is a remarkable collection of new and inndvative letterheads and logos by today's top designers. each of the designs successfully captures the personality of the businesses while still effectively and clearly com m unic ati ng their identities. • includes 3 ? ? letterhead and logo oesigns in a var iet y OF formats: letterheads, envelopes, business cards, logos, labels, and related materials • detaileo captidns include information about the people involved in the design process, as well as what software was used, what paper was chosen, and how it was printed. • features designs for all kinds of businesses-professional services, manufacturers, restaurants, retail e stablis H m e nts, and creative services • offers a comprehensive look at a variety of styles This volume and the others in the series continue to be an important tool for graphic designers and businesses aliké.