In the revision of this leading text, the authors incorporate the latest data and research while taking stock of sweeping changes in the international financial landscape fr.
produced by financial innovation, deregulation, and geopolitical considérations. With f I their proven casual, conversational style, the authors make accessible sophisticated concepts such as asset pricing, financial contracting, and rational expectations.
¦ In addition to providing an overview of the entire text, Chapter 1 links the field of money, banking, and financial markets to specific careers so that readers can see the connection to life after graduation.
¦ A new emphasis on the consolidation of the financial services industry is most evident in substantially revised sections of Chapter 11, 'The Nature of Financial Institutions," and Chapter 15, 'The Regulation of Markets and Institutions."
¦ New developments in global markets, including the Asian financial crisis and the...
In the revision of this leading text, the authors incorporate the latest data and research while taking stock of sweeping changes in the international financial landscape fr.
produced by financial innovation, deregulation, and geopolitical considérations. With f I their proven casual, conversational style, the authors make accessible sophisticated concepts such as asset pricing, financial contracting, and rational expectations.
¦ In addition to providing an overview of the entire text, Chapter 1 links the field of money, banking, and financial markets to specific careers so that readers can see the connection to life after graduation.
¦ A new emphasis on the consolidation of the financial services industry is most evident in substantially revised sections of Chapter 11, 'The Nature of Financial Institutions," and Chapter 15, 'The Regulation of Markets and Institutions."
¦ New developments in global markets, including the Asian financial crisis and the newly created European Central Bank, are addressed in Chapter 10, "Understanding Foreign Exchange."
¦ Pedagogical features such as Going Out on a Limb and Off the Record engage students, while Reading the Financial News and In the News boxes encourage reading of financial newspapers.
\ The tenth édition cornes with a powerful new learning tooi, an online course companion Web site available at www.awlonline.com/ritter. For 3f each text chapter, the Web site offers multiple-choice quizzes as well as 7 numerous links. In addition, PowerPoint slides of all the text's figures and tables are available for downloading, and an online syllabus builder allows instructors to create a calendar of assignments for each class.
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The Study Guide, prepared by Fred C. Graham of The American University, sharpens and tests understanding of key concepts. Features include chapter synopses, essay questions and problems, multiple-choice, completion, and true-false questions. Contact your campus bookstore for ordering information.