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Labour's Last Chance?

The 1992 Election and Beyond

Kiadó: Dartmouth Publishing Company
Kiadás helye: Aldershot
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 314 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 1-85521-477-6
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a műben.
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Labour's Last Chance?
The 1992 Election and Bevond
The omens seemed set fair for Labour on 9 April 1992. The economy was still in recession. The poll tax debacle was fresh in everyone's minds. The party's unpopular left-wing policies had been ditched and the SDP had disappeared. The opinion polls agreed that thirteen years of Conservative rule were about to end. If Labour were ever to win an election again, this surely was its chance.
Yet Labour crashed to defeat.
What happened? Can Labour ever win again - or has it thrown away its last chance? Based on the 1992 British Election Study, the most authoritative source of information on who voted how and why, a team of leading election specialists are brought together by Anthony Heath, Roger Jowell and John Curtice to answer the vital questions raised by the 1992 result.
Did Labour's Policy Review fail? Did the Tories escape blame for the recession? Were people not prepared to vote for Neil Kinnock? Was it 'The Sun wot won it?'... Tovább


Labour's Last Chance?
The 1992 Election and Bevond
The omens seemed set fair for Labour on 9 April 1992. The economy was still in recession. The poll tax debacle was fresh in everyone's minds. The party's unpopular left-wing policies had been ditched and the SDP had disappeared. The opinion polls agreed that thirteen years of Conservative rule were about to end. If Labour were ever to win an election again, this surely was its chance.
Yet Labour crashed to defeat.
What happened? Can Labour ever win again - or has it thrown away its last chance? Based on the 1992 British Election Study, the most authoritative source of information on who voted how and why, a team of leading election specialists are brought together by Anthony Heath, Roger Jowell and John Curtice to answer the vital questions raised by the 1992 result.
Did Labour's Policy Review fail? Did the Tories escape blame for the recession? Were people not prepared to vote for Neil Kinnock? Was it 'The Sun wot won it?'
Is the working class just too small for Labour to win again?
The Editors
Anthony Heath, Official Fellow in Sociology, Nuffield College, Oxford Roger Jowell, Director of Social and Community Planning Research (SCPR) John Curtice, Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Strathclyde Bridget Taylor, Research Officer, Nuffield College, Oxford Vissza


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Labour's Last Chance? Labour's Last Chance? Labour's Last Chance? Labour's Last Chance? Labour's Last Chance?

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