What happens ^S^when a leading novelist
goes electioneering with Glenda
Jackson; spends 346 hours watching Nigel
Short fail to win at chess; shares a sandwich lunch with Mary Archer?
Since 1990, Julian Barnes has written a regular 'Letter from London' for the New Yorker magazine. These already celebrated pieces cover subjects as diverse as the Ooyd's insurance disaster, the rise and fall of Margaret Thatcher, the troubles of the Royal Family and of the hapless Nigel Short in his battle with Gary Kasparov in the 1993 World Chess Finals. With an incisive assessment of Salman Rushdie's plight, an analysis of the implications of being linked to the continent via the Channel Tunnel and a search for chipolata sausages in the statements of Tony Blair, Letters from London provides a vivid and telling portrait of Britain in the Nineties.
Written with all the elegance, wit and intelligence we have come to expect of Julian Barnes as a novelist, his first collection of non-fiction proves...
What happens ^S^when a leading novelist
goes electioneering with Glenda
Jackson; spends 346 hours watching Nigel
Short fail to win at chess; shares a sandwich lunch with Mary Archer?
Since 1990, Julian Barnes has written a regular 'Letter from London' for the New Yorker magazine. These already celebrated pieces cover subjects as diverse as the Ooyd's insurance disaster, the rise and fall of Margaret Thatcher, the troubles of the Royal Family and of the hapless Nigel Short in his battle with Gary Kasparov in the 1993 World Chess Finals. With an incisive assessment of Salman Rushdie's plight, an analysis of the implications of being linked to the continent via the Channel Tunnel and a search for chipolata sausages in the statements of Tony Blair, Letters from London provides a vivid and telling portrait of Britain in the Nineties.
Written with all the elegance, wit and intelligence we have come to expect of Julian Barnes as a novelist, his first collection of non-fiction proves that he is, quite simply, one of our ^ most briUant writers.
'Fleet Street can scent the possibilities of sex like a tile-tripping tomcat; and while sex - by which we mean, of course, extra marital or otherwise nonconformist sex - is not in itself enough to burn a minister at the stake, it makes excellent kindling'
'Lloyds is like a dowager wearing a necklace of herring. Her frock is new, her seams are straight, her make-up newly applied: so why do people go on and on about the smell of herring?'
'Just as in Jarry's play "Ubu Roi^^ a single performer is sometimes called upon to represent The Entire Russian Army, Mrs Thatcher seems aware that she is acting The Entire Conservative Party'