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Essays on Education


Kiadó: Penguin Books Ltd
Kiadás helye: Harmondsworth
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 183 oldal
Sorozatcím: Penguin Education Specials
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Much of the sharpest and most fundamental thinking about éducation has been coming from America. This book is one of five titles published simultaneously by Penguin Education. It would be wrong to call these writers a school -they are widely different in stance and style. But they are united, firstly, by their readiness to think of éducation in (literally) radical ways and to propose radical solutions; secondly, by their deep concern that éducation should exist primarily for the benefit of those who learn; and lastly, and above all, by their conviction that éducation - in the modern world as in America - has reached crisis point.
Jules Henry's ski Ils as an anthropologist - his interest in the social process of learning - mark him out from the mainstream of educational thinkers. His plea is that we must offer our children an éducation which relates truthfully to their individual social environment. The plight of the culturally deprived in school - the low-achievers, the... Tovább


Much of the sharpest and most fundamental thinking about éducation has been coming from America. This book is one of five titles published simultaneously by Penguin Education. It would be wrong to call these writers a school -they are widely different in stance and style. But they are united, firstly, by their readiness to think of éducation in (literally) radical ways and to propose radical solutions; secondly, by their deep concern that éducation should exist primarily for the benefit of those who learn; and lastly, and above all, by their conviction that éducation - in the modern world as in America - has reached crisis point.
Jules Henry's ski Ils as an anthropologist - his interest in the social process of learning - mark him out from the mainstream of educational thinkers. His plea is that we must offer our children an éducation which relates truthfully to their individual social environment. The plight of the culturally deprived in school - the low-achievers, the emotionally unstable, the Negro slum-dweller - shows clearly that we do not. For the children whose motivations do not conform to established expectations, their vulnerability in the educational system reduces them to fear and intellectual incompétence. These essays argue, with clear-headed compassion, that this system not only constrains and harms but is also the expedient of a society which must conserve its cultural patterns in order to preserve itself.
Jules Henry died in 1969. Had he lived he would no doubt have included his essays on éducation in a work as important as his Culture Against Man. What he has left is both worth preserving and deserving of a wider readership. Vissza



Jules Henry

Jules Henry műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Jules Henry könyvek, művek
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Essays on Education Essays on Education Essays on Education

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