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The Love of God

He Will Do Whatever It Takes to Make Us Holy


Kiadó: World Publishing
Kiadás helye: Dallas
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 251 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-8499-1081-1
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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r as
ur^i I . 1 tt
e says, Uod is love,
y send anyone to hell?
ims, God is Loth loving
y is there so muc
n ana su tiering in tne world:
the Bible teaches, God will save
lose who belong to Him, how can
said to have "so loved the world"?
people today call for you
to believe either in a God of 1
ove or a
of wrath. The author of this stirring affirmation of God's loye assures you
tl|at you dont have to choose betweeifthese views. God is one andamdivided.
Jujst as His grace is made perfect in suffering, so- His love is made clear hy
what He hates.
No one is Letter equipped than Dr. John MacArthur,1 Jr< to help you
come to grips with these questions. This landmark Look on the loveegl
God will warm your heart while firmly establishing you in Bible doctrine.
Its the most basic definition of Gocl in Script ure,
but so profound that its often misunderstood. In
this probing book, a bri Hiant Bible expositor brings
us into the very heart of God by... Tovább


r as
ur^i I . 1 tt
e says, Uod is love,
y send anyone to hell?
ims, God is Loth loving
y is there so muc
n ana su tiering in tne world:
the Bible teaches, God will save
lose who belong to Him, how can
said to have "so loved the world"?
people today call for you
to believe either in a God of 1
ove or a
of wrath. The author of this stirring affirmation of God's loye assures you
tl|at you dont have to choose betweeifthese views. God is one andamdivided.
Jujst as His grace is made perfect in suffering, so- His love is made clear hy
what He hates.
No one is Letter equipped than Dr. John MacArthur,1 Jr< to help you
come to grips with these questions. This landmark Look on the loveegl
God will warm your heart while firmly establishing you in Bible doctrine.
Its the most basic definition of Gocl in Script ure,
but so profound that its often misunderstood. In
this probing book, a bri Hiant Bible expositor brings
us into the very heart of God by answering such
questions as:
• If God is love, how could He send anyone to hell?
• If Gocl is love, why is the world such a "theater of
• What's the difference between the loving God of
the New Testament an d the angry God of the Old
• If God is love, why did He require His Son to die
on such a cruel death on the Cross?
• How can God be both loving and jealous?
tte author argues against the two extremes found
both within and without the Church. On the one
hand, some would portray God as a sentimental
grandfather whose doting love could not bring Him
to punishment of the disobedient. On the other,
some present God as an angry tyrant who wotdd rule
by threats.
"Both extremes paint a distorted picture of
God and further confuse the issue of understanding
God's love,'' Dr. MacArthur writes. He insists that
what God loves is actually defined by what He
hates, and that neither His love nor His wrath can
be understood in isolation from the other.
Although the author is clearly aware of the way
great men have grappled with these issues in the
history of the Church, his doctrinal presentations
arise more from the biblical text than from dogmatic
theology. He examines in detail the way the apostle
John—"the apostle of love"—treats love in his First
Epistle. He fleshes out the doctrine of God's love in
vivid representations of real people interacting with
divine love—Jonah and his commission to take the
message of God's judgment/love to the ancient city
Nineveh, the sufferer Job, the Prodigal Son.
With a clarity often missing in modern theological
statements, Dr. Mac Arthur also deals with foundational

1 • •. •
continued from front flap ¦
doctrinal issues suck as wlietker we can find real
security in God s lave, and wlietker God loves all
people or only tke elect.
Rarely does a doctrinal study klend suck firm
assertions of kiklical trutk witk a devotional tone
tliat confesses, wi tk I: M. Lek man: -]
"Th e love of God is greater far
Tl, an tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes bey on J the highest starf
And reaches to thé lowest hell ' Vissza



John MacArthur, Jr.

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