How,; do I go'snow camping? What's the sport really .-like?'' In Snow Camping, T6 authors-with more than 100 ) combined winters of camping experience behind them—pre- ¦ sent the readers with the answers to these two questions. >
On the surface, few outdoor ^Experiences may sound ,: more unappealing than winter camping. Even the most hardy ' symmer backpacker might understahdably blanch at the thought of repeating a camping trip to a favorite warm-weather spot in the dead of winter But, as Snow Camping ¦ points out, all the joys of summer are still there In winter— oni^ perhaps more so! The beauty of-the wilderness, silence and solitude, the forced reliance on one's own means, sur- la round the winter camper to a much higher degree than in M summer. ¦ ) / ,
The cross-country skier, too, will be pleasantly surprised' . at how simply snow camping can be added to his ski tourinig . 1 activities. It's not difficult to Carry overnight gear while! tour- n ing, and just as easy td...
How,; do I go'snow camping? What's the sport really .-like?'' In Snow Camping, T6 authors-with more than 100 ) combined winters of camping experience behind them—pre- ¦ sent the readers with the answers to these two questions. >
On the surface, few outdoor ^Experiences may sound ,: more unappealing than winter camping. Even the most hardy ' symmer backpacker might understahdably blanch at the thought of repeating a camping trip to a favorite warm-weather spot in the dead of winter But, as Snow Camping ¦ points out, all the joys of summer are still there In winter— oni^ perhaps more so! The beauty of-the wilderness, silence and solitude, the forced reliance on one's own means, sur- la round the winter camper to a much higher degree than in M summer. ¦ ) / ,
The cross-country skier, too, will be pleasantly surprised' . at how simply snow camping can be added to his ski tourinig . 1 activities. It's not difficult to Carry overnight gear while! tour- n ing, and just as easy td stay out for the night instead of re-' treating to the dubious pleasures of a lodge or motel. J; I
¦ , Snow camping is not for the unwary, though, and Snow ' | *'¦ Camping never loses sight of this important fact. The neces- ^ t-„!saryjs4fety procedures and precautions which must be follov^- / K * ^j^Bci'to guarantee a safe and enjoyable-trip are fully discussed.*- ¦ Again, the authors draw ph their own personal experiences.to. ' , ¦ show the reader what hazards lie just out of sight on a beauti-" ful:snow-covered landscape. . v |
% :Weli' ijlustrated to show ail. sides of .the Spprt, 'S^vi/ Camping 11 "inspire every, reader to "have a« go" art snow camping—and shQw him or her the best ways tosensufe a safe 'iV and pleasurable outing. ,