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Lectures on Resolution of Singularities

Kiadó: Princeton University Press
Kiadás helye: Princeton-Oxford
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 208 oldal
Sorozatcím: Annals of Mathematics Studies
Kötetszám: 166
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 978-0-691-12923-5
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Phillip A.Griffiths, John N. Mather, Elias M.Stein, Editors Princeton University Press is proud to kave puklisked the Ánnaís of Mathematics Studies since 1940. One f the oldest and most respected series in science puklisking, it kas included many of the most important and influential matkematical works of tke twentietk century. The series continues tkis tradition into the twenty-first century as Princeton looks forward to puklisking tke major works oí the new millennium. To mark tke continued success of tke series, all hooks are again availakle in paperkack. For a complete list of titles, please visít tke Princeton University Press wek site: press.princeton.edu. Th e most recently puklisked volumes include: Spherical CR Geometry and Dehn Surgery, by Rickard Evan Sckwartz Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials: Ásymptotics and Applications, by J. Baik, T. Krieckerbauer, K. T.-R. McLaugklin, and P. D. Miller Integration of One-forms on P-a dic Ánaíytic Spaces, by Vlad imir G. Berkovick... Tovább


Phillip A.Griffiths, John N. Mather, Elias M.Stein, Editors Princeton University Press is proud to kave puklisked the Ánnaís of Mathematics Studies since 1940. One f the oldest and most respected series in science puklisking, it kas included many of the most important and influential matkematical works of tke twentietk century. The series continues tkis tradition into the twenty-first century as Princeton looks forward to puklisking tke major works oí the new millennium. To mark tke continued success of tke series, all hooks are again availakle in paperkack. For a complete list of titles, please visít tke Princeton University Press wek site: press.princeton.edu. Th e most recently puklisked volumes include: Spherical CR Geometry and Dehn Surgery, by Rickard Evan Sckwartz Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials: Ásymptotics and Applications, by J. Baik, T. Krieckerbauer, K. T.-R. McLaugklin, and P. D. Miller Integration of One-forms on P-a dic Ánaíytic Spaces, by Vlad imir G. Berkovick Moduíar Forms and Special Cycles on Shimura Curves, by Stepken S. Kudla, Mickael Rapoport, and íongkai ^ang Dynamics in One Complex Variable, by Jokn Milnor Moments, Monodromy, and Perversity: A Diophantine Perspective, by Nickolas M. Katz Green 's Function Estimates for Latiice Sckrödinger Operators and Applications, by J. Bourgain On the Tangent Space to the Space of Algehraic Cycles on a Smooth Algebraic Vanety, by Mark Green and Pkillip Griífitks Radon Transforms and the Rigidity of the Grassmannians, by Jacques Gasqui and Hubert Goldsckmidt Markov Processes from K. Itő's Perspective, by Dániel W. Stroock Semiclassical Soliton Ensemhles for the Focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, by Spyridon Kamvissis, Kennetk D. T-R. McLaugklin, and Peter D. Miller Vissza


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