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Jane Fonda's Workout Book


Kiadó: Simon and Schuster
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Félvászon
Oldalszám: 254 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 28 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 0-671-43217-6
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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Jane Fonda's Workout Book is more than the best exercise program designed for women — it offers a whole new approach to health and beauty. Jane Fonda's philosophy of physical well-being, which she has incorporated into her own life, will change forever the way you think about and treat your body. This is a program that will not only make you look and feel terrific, it will also give you more energy and endurance, and enable you to cope more effectively with the stresses and demands of the world around you.
Jane Fonda speaks for millions of American women who have needlessly abused their health with starvation diets and countless pills in a futile attempt to conform to some artificial image of the ideal female. As a child she thought of herself as awkward, fat and "klutzy"; in college she alternated between eating binges and self-deprivation; and she swallowed diuretic pills daily for almost twenty years without ever having been warned of their harmful effects—all in pursuit of... Tovább


Jane Fonda's Workout Book is more than the best exercise program designed for women — it offers a whole new approach to health and beauty. Jane Fonda's philosophy of physical well-being, which she has incorporated into her own life, will change forever the way you think about and treat your body. This is a program that will not only make you look and feel terrific, it will also give you more energy and endurance, and enable you to cope more effectively with the stresses and demands of the world around you.
Jane Fonda speaks for millions of American women who have needlessly abused their health with starvation diets and countless pills in a futile attempt to conform to some artificial image of the ideal female. As a child she thought of herself as awkward, fat and "klutzy"; in college she alternated between eating binges and self-deprivation; and she swallowed diuretic pills daily for almost twenty years without ever having been warned of their harmful effects—all in pursuit of someone else's standard of how she should look. It wasn't until she was thirty years old and pregnant with her first child that Jane Fonda began to listen to what her body was trying to tell her. She discovered that being well is something that cannot be taken for granted but requires intelligent eating habits and regular physical activity.
Now Jane Fonda has created a unique program called The Workout that is strenuous and fun, and has attracted fitness seekers across the country. The Workout is designed to burn calories and improve the shape of your body even as it strengthens your heart and lungs and builds up your muscle stamina and flexibility. Concentrating on each area of the body in a specific sequence to ensure maximum benefit, the program is based on repetitive movements of isolated muscle groups against the resistance of body weight. These are exercises you can do just about anywhere, without expensive weights or any other gym equipment.
Jane Fonda's Workout Book is a complete program with an entire section on eating for
(continued on back flap)
(continued from front flap)
health and beauty, including Jane Fonda's seven guidelines for a healthy diet. And her natural approach to weight loss shows you the fastest, healthiest, and most enduring way to lose weight by combining physical exercise with a healthful diet. Her approach also extends the concept of physical fitness and health to an awareness of the pollution that surrounds us, the stress that office work imposes on women, and the dramatic rise in the incidence of cancer in women.
Unlike the countless books on reshaping your image artificially with beauty treatments, this book lets you discover your own uniqueness, and shape the genuine physical you — your body and your beauty. This is a fitness book that really works—and the radiant glow and energy of Jane Fonda herself prove it. Jane Fonda's Workout Book will help you get and stay in shape, not for a week or a month, but for a lifetime.
About the Author
Jane Fonda's multi-faceted life combines a distinguished career as an Academy Award-winning actress and film and television producer with the demands of running The Workout fitness centers, her ongoing work as an activist committed to protecting and improving the health of our environment through the Campaign for Economic Democracy, and her roles as wife and mother. She lives with her husband, Tom Hayden, and children, Vanessa and Troy, in Santa Monica, California.
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Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Jane Fonda könyvek, művek
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