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Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries


Kiadó: JATEPress
Kiadás helye: Szeged
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 174 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-963-315-433-5
Megjegyzés: 1. kiadás. További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben. Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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[ntercultural lafluences were witnessed between Bast and West during Medieval, Modem and Contemporary times. Tlie centuries betweem the 11th till the 2lBt were the apex of relations between the Bast and West through the Crusades. coDimercial relations, and political treaties as well as in the cultural sphere. Such relations resulted In mutual cultural influences that were manifested in almost all aspects of the daily life.
Through narrative and documentary sources - Western and Muslim - we propose to analyse (he nature, quantity and quality of peaceful relations between Westerners and Muslims, in the Mediterranean between Ilth and 2Ut centuries, since the contact with the Muslims often posed problems of communication and understanding, especially for the diversity of cultural and religious codes. Problems exacerbated by the possibility of suspicions and accusations of maurofilfa for Christians too close to Muslims. Secondly, the lack of systematic data created the Image of a... Tovább


[ntercultural lafluences were witnessed between Bast and West during Medieval, Modem and Contemporary times. Tlie centuries betweem the 11th till the 2lBt were the apex of relations between the Bast and West through the Crusades. coDimercial relations, and political treaties as well as in the cultural sphere. Such relations resulted In mutual cultural influences that were manifested in almost all aspects of the daily life.
Through narrative and documentary sources - Western and Muslim - we propose to analyse (he nature, quantity and quality of peaceful relations between Westerners and Muslims, in the Mediterranean between Ilth and 2Ut centuries, since the contact with the Muslims often posed problems of communication and understanding, especially for the diversity of cultural and religious codes. Problems exacerbated by the possibility of suspicions and accusations of maurofilfa for Christians too close to Muslims. Secondly, the lack of systematic data created the Image of a seemingly difficult integration and increased some doubts about the acculturation of Westerners living In Muslim lands or voluntarily in contact with them. Nevertheless, many more Christians than we think lived in Islamic lands and were chosen as ambassadors to Christian authorities, to foster greater involvement and predisposition of the Westerners to the Muslim demands and to show clearly the familiarity of this kind of Christian with the Muslim authorities.
Following the results of the research and the congressional and seminar activities of the first two years, it was decided: 1) to extend the examined chronological span to the Contemporary Age, allowing the scholars to expand their investigations over a longue durée period and 2) to propose new lines of research to be joined to those already started in 2016/2017, which will lead to a further deepening of the theme of peaceful relations between the Muslim world and the Western one - especially between Bgypt and Italy - thanks to the strong dynastic, political, economic and cultural lato sensu ties that united the Mediterranean's northern and southern shores, with a special attention, of course, for Egypt.
As a part of our second Bg^tian-Itallan project entitled 'Intercultural [nfhiences between Bast and West', we have compiled this volume, which contains the following papers:
Samer B. Qandil: Early aspects of the "Arabic-Latin Translation MovemeniT in Medieval Spain: The Letters of Gerbert (i 1003) as Evidence Aly A. El-Sayed: Peregrinator Abu Bakr Al-Herawl's (d. 1214 AD 1611 AS) Perception of the Christian Other Mohamed Desouky: The Hungarian Community in Mamluk Egypt
Rania Mohammad Ibrahim: The Ottoman's Infhience on George Husz's Perspective about Arabs and Islam During his Journey through the East (1532-1541)
Heba Mahmoud Saad AbdelNaby: The monument and statue of [small In Alexandria: an example of [talian-Bgyptian Friendship Péter Akos Ferwagner: Balázs Orbán's itinerary in Egypt in the mid-19th century Abdallah Abdel-Ati Al-Naggar: Egyptian-Hungarian and Egyptian-Soviet relations in the light of the 1973 war Nagy J. LászM - Abdallah Abdel-Ati Al-Naggar: Hungary and the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 (Archive records and press) Sherif Aboushanah: The Situation in the Wider Sudan Region with Special Re-gards to Peace Operations - International Criminal Law and External Influence . Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries
3.480 Ft
1.740 ,-Ft 50
26 pont kapható
Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries
3.480 Ft
2.430 ,-Ft 30
36 pont kapható
Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries Intercultural Relations Between East and West 11th-21th Centuries
3.480 ,-Ft
52 pont kapható