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Indian Art from Mexico to Peru

Indián művészet Mexikótól Peruig

Kiadó: Corvina Kiadó
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 250 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 26 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 963-13-1325-5
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér, színes fotókkal gazdagon illusztrálva.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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The Aztecs and Incas brought thousands of years of culture to full maturation on the American continent. The present volume offers an over-view of the cultures and wonderful relies from Mexico to Peru up to the age of the Spanish conquest. These pre-Columbian objects form a veritable parade of feather-crowned princes, warriors in all their flnery, hunters, ritual dancers, grotesque démons—»figures, real and imagined, that call up events now shrouded in obseurity. This "exploratory" book of pictures is made all the more interesting by the fact that instead of reiterating well-known material, it presents the most beautiful examples of the "hidden" treasures of muséum base-ments and priváté collections. Most of the pottery, statues, textiles, wooden and metál objects come from the Ethnographical Muséum, Budapest, while many others are from priváté collections in Belgium and Switzerland, and muséums in Mexico City, Leipzig and Warsaw.
The Introduction by Lajos Boglár gives the... Tovább


The Aztecs and Incas brought thousands of years of culture to full maturation on the American continent. The present volume offers an over-view of the cultures and wonderful relies from Mexico to Peru up to the age of the Spanish conquest. These pre-Columbian objects form a veritable parade of feather-crowned princes, warriors in all their flnery, hunters, ritual dancers, grotesque démons—»figures, real and imagined, that call up events now shrouded in obseurity. This "exploratory" book of pictures is made all the more interesting by the fact that instead of reiterating well-known material, it presents the most beautiful examples of the "hidden" treasures of muséum base-ments and priváté collections. Most of the pottery, statues, textiles, wooden and metál objects come from the Ethnographical Muséum, Budapest, while many others are from priváté collections in Belgium and Switzerland, and muséums in Mexico City, Leipzig and Warsaw.
The Introduction by Lajos Boglár gives the capsular history of the civilizations of Mesoamerica and the Andes up to the Spanish conquest, while the 211 black and white and 40colour photographs by Tamás Kovács follow the development of these civilizations.
Corvina Kiadó Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru

A védőborító enyhén kopott.

5.480 Ft
2.740 ,-Ft 50
22 pont kapható
Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru Indian Art from Mexico to Peru

A védőborító enyhén kopott.

5.480 ,-Ft
44 pont kapható