
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Hungarian Fireguard Mementoes

Magyar tűzoltóemlékek


Kiadó: Timp Kiadó
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 129 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 29 cm x 20 cm
ISBN: 963-00-6604
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


thousand years have passed since the first Hungárián king, Saint Stephen, codified fire protection. Five hundred years later student fire brigades were förmed, among the first in the world, in famous college towns and cities like Debrecen, Marosvásárhely, Nagyenyed, Sárospatak and Kecskemét. In 1848, hearing their country's call, they put down their fire extinguishing tools and took up swords and guns instead to fight for freedom as honvéd soldiers along with their teachers. Those who did not fali in battle went back to teach and study, and later established fÍremen's associations. On the initiative of Ödön Széchenyi - son of the "greatest Hungárián/' Count István Széchenyi - fÍremen's associations were united into one organisation, the Hungárián Firemen's Union. In the Carpathian Basin -in the smallest villages and big cities alike - patriots joined forces to help immediately with fires, and catastrophes of all kinds. Their outward appearance reflected their morál strength:... Tovább


thousand years have passed since the first Hungárián king, Saint Stephen, codified fire protection. Five hundred years later student fire brigades were förmed, among the first in the world, in famous college towns and cities like Debrecen, Marosvásárhely, Nagyenyed, Sárospatak and Kecskemét. In 1848, hearing their country's call, they put down their fire extinguishing tools and took up swords and guns instead to fight for freedom as honvéd soldiers along with their teachers. Those who did not fali in battle went back to teach and study, and later established fÍremen's associations. On the initiative of Ödön Széchenyi - son of the "greatest Hungárián/' Count István Széchenyi - fÍremen's associations were united into one organisation, the Hungárián Firemen's Union. In the Carpathian Basin -in the smallest villages and big cities alike - patriots joined forces to help immediately with fires, and catastrophes of all kinds. Their outward appearance reflected their morál strength: ornamented helmets, uniforms, flags and medals. Not to mention their faith, as Saint Flórian, their patron helped them. Our photo album is dedicated to the memory of these great people. Vissza

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