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When the Soldiers Returned from Vietnam


Kiadó: Ballantine Books
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 248 oldal
Sorozatcím: Ballantine Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 17 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-345-36408-2
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A Vietnam vet could take being spat upon by one person. What broke our hearts was being spat upon by our country!
No one has been a more eloquent and entertaining voice of his generation than syndicated columnist and bestselling author Bob Greene. This time around, though, Greene lets others do the talking: American G.I.s who served in Vietnam only to return to their homes to find that many of their countrymen thought that they were the enemy.
Homecoming is their story as they lived it, culled from over a thousand letters Bob Greene received in his effort to discover whether the rumors he'd heard about vets being mistreated were true. Some of their tales will break your heart, and others will inspire you. An important historical document, Homecoming is a riveting emotional experience, and a singular journey into the American soul.
Strong medicine for a nation still struggling to recover from the wounds of the Vietnam War, and it deserves to be read by anyone trying to grasp the... Tovább


A Vietnam vet could take being spat upon by one person. What broke our hearts was being spat upon by our country!
No one has been a more eloquent and entertaining voice of his generation than syndicated columnist and bestselling author Bob Greene. This time around, though, Greene lets others do the talking: American G.I.s who served in Vietnam only to return to their homes to find that many of their countrymen thought that they were the enemy.
Homecoming is their story as they lived it, culled from over a thousand letters Bob Greene received in his effort to discover whether the rumors he'd heard about vets being mistreated were true. Some of their tales will break your heart, and others will inspire you. An important historical document, Homecoming is a riveting emotional experience, and a singular journey into the American soul.
Strong medicine for a nation still struggling to recover from the wounds of the Vietnam War, and it deserves to be read by anyone trying to grasp the totality of the Vietnam experience! Atlanta Journal & Constitution
A powerful antidote to the media-imposed stereotype of the ultraviolent, walking-time-bomb vet Gives loud and clear voice to the overwhelming majority of vets whose lives are so normal that they are rarely, if ever, told in books, newspapers or on the nightly news!
USA Today Vissza

Bob Greene

Bob Greene műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Bob Greene könyvek, művek
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Homecoming Homecoming Homecoming Homecoming Homecoming

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