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A Concise History of Modern Painting

A modern festészet rövid története

Kiadó: Thames and Hudson
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 380 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 500-20075-0
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér és színes reprodukciókkal illusztrált.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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AbOUt this taking Cézanne as his starting-point, Sir Herbert Read
H^ i follows with chapters on the Fauves, the Cubists, the
DOOK Expressionists, the Constructivists, the Abstract
Expressionists and the other major modern move-
ments. He does not overwhelm the reader with names
and dates; instead, he traces the development of the
visual experience that is embodied in painting, and
shows how this has been related to the general
movement of thought and sensibility during the period.
When this book first appeared in 1959 it was widely
hailed as incomparably the best concise account of
twentieth-century painting yet published, as the
following comments testify: "A remarkable achieve-
ment, likely to remain for many years by far the best
introduction to the subject,' Alan Bowness; 4As a
history, it will surely remain more useful to more
people than anything else on the subject,' Lawrence
Gowing. In this new edition, completed shortly before
his death, Sir Herbert... Tovább


AbOUt this taking Cézanne as his starting-point, Sir Herbert Read
H^ i follows with chapters on the Fauves, the Cubists, the
DOOK Expressionists, the Constructivists, the Abstract
Expressionists and the other major modern move-
ments. He does not overwhelm the reader with names
and dates; instead, he traces the development of the
visual experience that is embodied in painting, and
shows how this has been related to the general
movement of thought and sensibility during the period.
When this book first appeared in 1959 it was widely
hailed as incomparably the best concise account of
twentieth-century painting yet published, as the
following comments testify: "A remarkable achieve-
ment, likely to remain for many years by far the best
introduction to the subject,' Alan Bowness; 4As a
history, it will surely remain more useful to more
people than anything else on the subject,' Lawrence
Gowing. In this new edition, completed shortly before
his death, Sir Herbert discusses the many fresh develop-
ments (including op art and pop art) that have occurred
in recent years, bringing his account up to 1968. His
text is supported by a number of additional plates;
twenty-two of these, appearing in the 'Pictorial Survey
of Modern Painting' at the end of the book, show
works by Lichtenstein, Riley, Hockney, Jasper Johns
and many other artists of our day.
Sir Herbert Read, born in 1893, was at the University of Leeds at the
outbreak of the First World War, during which he
served as an infantry officer, gaining the D.s.o. and
M.c. In 1931 he became Professor of Fine Arts at the
University of Edinburgh. He was Clark Lecturer,
Trinity College, Cambridge, 1929-30, and Norton
Professor of Fine Art, Harvard University, 1953-4. At
, i his death in 1968 he was described in The Times as 'the
interpreter in England of specifically modern art'. His
publications include Art Now, Art and Society, A
Concise History of Modern Sculpture, The Origins of Form
In Art, Henry Moore, Arp and Art and Alienation.
THAMES and HUDSON 30 Bloomsbury Street London WCI Vissza



Herbert Read

Herbert Read műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Herbert Read könyvek, művek
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